Infinity N (RFP)

Whether you're part of a clan or not, this section is for roleplaying and sparring. Any genre including Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance or Adventure.

Moderators: Expendable, PharaohAtem, Tanya

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Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 20 Oct 2019, 15:54

OOC: Everyone is invited to join as long as they have an approved Bio and don't break rules.


A man thought to be a genius of modern programming created a game engine unlike any seen before. Hardware despite its tremendous advancements was far behind the capabilities of this game engine. Despite that the Game Engine was extraordinarily adaptable it could even run 8 bit games with no issues. There wasn't practically any old engines or new ones that could not be easily converted to it. It made updating games or adding to them extremely easy. This type of compatibility alone was unheard of in the software and hardware world. An Software Engine of any kind had never been able to work with any other type of software interface. The fact is could be used then for a game engine it could serve as a powerful kernel for an OS, so the possibilities it opened up was endless. The idea of 4K resolution or 8K were simply limitations of hardware and other software. It was thought that the processing power of this gaming engine was infinite and so it became known as the Infinity N Engine.

Its revolutionary ability became renown and became a staple in all hardware though out the world. Soon after that humankind discovered the Infinity N Engine was far more than it seemed. It was a Pandora Box, something humans should have never made or used for any reason. The discovery was too late, the change that became known as the Infinity N incident had already taken hold.

The Infinity N Incident

The Infinity N made fictional characters and worlds real of all sorts. If someone created a new story a new type of character deadly contraption etc, it became reality. Obviously nothing overpowered everything else. Thought processes and the limit of its creator limited the power of what came to be.

Worlds merged, multiverses, universes, hyper-verses, etc. became real and places one to go. On the flip side humans gained special and unique powers, some could be called superhuman, others super powers, even magic came into existence. The world was not the same as it was, but pain and sorrow along with other raw emotions still existed.

There were still places that were very much like Earth, but there were also extremely alien like worlds too. All of originated from those who from Earth as they were their ideas and concepts that were created by the Infinity N Engine. Now that those existed new ideas and concepts formed as those created by the infinity N Engine had their own thoughts and ideas which also became part of reality and so on it went.

Since, most ideas were splinters though the vast majority of things and people that existed were more like dolls with little ability to interact or structural integrity. This also meant the original humans despite the ability of the Infinity N Engine were the most extraordinary beings that existed in Infinity N as the new Reality came to be known as.

Infinity N Setting and Rules

Infinity N is more than a Multiverse it is a combination of many multiverses and other type of verses, it is everything, so the possibilities of what type of characters that exist in this world are infinite.

As a general rule sparring will not be something that occurs that often, however, sparring is allowed as long as all parties involved agree to it. Since possibilities are infinite anyone killed in a spar can come to life, but death is possible. Death is final for signaling the end of any spar that does occur. If a character comes back to life it will be for a different spar. That said a grudge can certainly be held.

All, you can be in a fantasy world, an alien world, an all insect world, etc.

NPC and other Interactions Rules
All NPCs can be controlled by anyone unless a player specifically state their NPC is theirs to control. This means mass destruction and killing, including entire worlds and universes is allowed by players. But even universes and worlds can be created again.

Players always have control over what their characters do and how they are affected by other players and interactions.

Character Bios
They can be as simple or complex as you want them to be. If you are going to spar though, you need to specify what your powers are and what they are capable of doing, if these powers and abilities change they will need to be approved before they can be used.

Location Profiles
Locations are places within the Infinity N Engine. Many locations exist in each Reality. If a location is created for a specific setting or Reality you need to specify that. If not and its for open use, than state any. Locations will require approval just like characters.

Locations are nations, villages, countries, provinces, worlds, mega-verses, universes, solar systems, etc. They are not specific buildings, organizations, groups, etc. They are general description of an overall place. Many locations can exist within another location. So a world location can be submitted, then a country within in that world, then city, but you can go up too, the solar system, etc. An example of a Reality: Modern Earth, Ancient Earth, Midgar, DBZ universe, Marvel Universe, Final Fantasy, etc.

Multiple RPGs can be created, this is the main thread for all OOC and rules. More will be added as Infinity N RPGs expand.

(N) in the title will designate a RPG as and Infinity N one. Characters as long as the thread creator has no problem with it can be used in any thread with (N) in the title.


Name -required
race -required (robot, android, human, martian, etc.)
gender -required (this just isn't female and male)
age -required (this is apparent age, for a robot or intelligent tank for example it could be new or well used. You can state actual age too as in Earth years.)
Physical Description -optional
Personality Description -optional
Background -optional
History -optional
Origin -optional (This will be a link to your character's origin story. It will be a closed RP created by you for your character so a more in-depth story about your character can be created and molded.)
powers -optional unless used for sparring
abilities -optional unless for sparring
skills -optional unless used for sparring
other -optional unless used for sparring

Name/Catalog Number: required
Overview: required
Reality: required but this can be any, meaning anyone can use it as long as fits their setting.
Ecological Profile: required
Historical Summary: optional but recommended
External Influences: optional but recommended
Law & Government: required
Economic Conditions: optional but recommended
Military & Espionage: optional but recommended
Creator: required

Note: If you have questions on how to fill in these profiles please ask questions.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Ryuuko » 20 Oct 2019, 16:40

Name Klwen
Race Scarred
Gender Female
Age 28

Physical Description
Klwen is tall and slender (6'3" / 191 cm) but more handsome than beautiful. Her features despite being female are more masculine, except her long wavy hair. She has a pale olive skin, definitely not the tint of a human, as it was a dull light green with not hint of pinks, reds, or oranges to it. Her eyes were a bright grey, one of her more distinct features. Her body were covered in odd scars or perhaps an ancient writing that was simply burned into her skin. For the most part she could keep these scars covered but a one could be seen on her forehead that was partially covered with her hair.

A choice of clothes were those of a warrior, an under shirt that covered her upper torso and arms underneath metal and leather plates of armor. Her chest piece unlike more exotic ones was of standard affair so she appeared to be a male. She were trousers underneath metal and leather layers that covered her lower body. Even her boots had leather plating, but only to the extent that they would provide protection without compromising flexible movement.

Her preferred weapon choice was an enchanted spiked chain which she could use of great effect. She was known as a weapon master, but only with the spike chain.

Personality Description
Klwen has troubled past so she rarely smiles, and she blames herself for most of it even though it was outside of her control. Klwen does try to live her life to the fullest, and sometimes some will see her with a rare smile on her face. Otherwise she's serious and caring, and overbearing at times with her desire to protect others. Because of her past experience Klwen is quite wise and understand quite a lot about people and strategy. Despite her personality shortcomings she is one that can be relied upon.

(If this character ends up part or going to join a spar, I'll re-submit and include the needed abilities.)

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 20 Oct 2019, 16:42

Klwen is approved as non-sparring character.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 21 Oct 2019, 10:50

Naughty Kitty wrote:((This one looks exciting too, do you think I'm ready for something like this?))

Sure you are.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Expendable » 25 Oct 2019, 23:03

Infinity N Bio Template

Name - Kira B
race - Human
gender - Female
age - 21 (Chronological 137)
Physical Description - She has large, almond-shaped gray eyes that are like two windows looking out on an overcast sky. Her silky, straight, raven hair is short and is is worn in an uncomplicated, businesslike style. She is very short and has a lean, muscular build. Her skin is china-white. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is no-nonsense, with a lot of black.
Personality Description - Very reserved but given to quiet sarcasm if the occasion requires. Seldom speaks, typically only in short, precise clips. Rarely smiles. Very protective of their personal space - stiffens when touched, repeated attempts can provoke her to violence. She has a fondness for gadgets.
Background -optional
History - Original body was recovered from a cryogenics facility with severe ice damage. Nameplate simply had "Kira B" on it, no history. Speculation was that the subject had been frozen while still alive, a possible botched preservation attempt. It was decided to clone the body and map the brain for reconstruction. Body was decanted at a biological age of 12, and it was noted her eyes were half again as big than a normal human eye - possible genetic damage, but still within human genetic tolerances. While it's not unusual for most recovered cryogens to be in a state of shock, she seemed more reserved and less responsive, with limited memory of her prior life - which the lab put down to mapping errors in the frozen brain and classified her for menial labor.

A Humans First kidnapping attempt of a minor extraterrestrial Universal Confederacy official's child at a mall was stopped by Kira - Humans First discounted the corpsicle custodian as a threat. Using a broom as an improvised pole weapon and some palm strikes, she was able to stun the kidnappers long enough for her to grab the child and get them to mall security. The official took an interest and got her transferred into a security training program, figuring her short stature and lack of enhancements would make her useful as a bodyguard or covert security.
Origin - Kira Bakahvola, operative with Special Security Unit Seven, partial cyborg. Had completed nine successful missions when she disappeared.
powers - No unusual powers
abilities -No unusual abilities.
skills -
  • Brawling
  • Krav Maga (G2).
  • Good with knives.
  • Good with energy weapons, better with conventional weapons.
  • Seems to have an instinctive feel for operating most personal vehicles - wheeled or antigrav.
  • Knows advanced first aid (Human).
  • Well trained in picking conventional locks, seems to be training herself to more advanced security systems of the Universal Confederacy.
  • Passable cook.
  • Knows various knots, skilled old-school climber.
other - Possess a Geppetto Works' AI Cat (Level IV Complexity) named Sebastian, received as a "Secret Santa" present from the mall while she was working there. (Cat was returned stock the donating store was trying to get rid of.) Capable of fairly advanced human speech, network capable.
Still owes restoration fees.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 26 Oct 2019, 14:17

Your Bio looks good Expendable. I'm sure it'll be fun and fascinating.

At this point I'll assume your AI cat isn't for sparring purposes though. If you want to include your AI cat for sparring I'd need more detail on the AI cat's abilities.

So your character is approved for sparring as well as other RPGs in Infinity.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Expendable » 26 Oct 2019, 15:04

Sebastian is more of a companion npc, weighs about 8 pounds/ 3.6 kgs. While it's tough, it's intention was for it to be a toy - no sharp edges. Holographic skin allows it to simulate a mouth and claws, but aside from jumping into your face, not much harm it can do. Unless you spend $9.99 for the Alice Cheshire Cat expansion pack, which is so incredibly creepy but physically harmless.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 26 Oct 2019, 15:10

Sounds good, Sebastian is approved for sparring too.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by PharaohAtem » 28 Oct 2019, 20:19

I need to think up a character bio for this one.


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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 29 Oct 2019, 23:56

Yep, I think this will be fun.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Warheit » 01 Nov 2019, 06:42

I hope this character is alright. I've been wanting to play this guy for a while now but never found a good enough setting until now.

Infinity N Bio Template

Bio Template

Name - Aziol

Race - Magical Creature; Sprite/Human Hybrid

Gender - Male

Age - 32 (Is actually 82)

Physical Description - This dark-haired man has lightly bronzed skin, he comes from a planet similar to the true earth and from a home similar to Egypt, and bore eyes as black as the abyss. Though his eyes carried a certain light about them, something within those gleaming orbs roared a ferocious fire. He carried himself at a height of six feet even with a slim-ish body holding a weight of around 176 lbs and it was all conditioned muscular tones--afterall he came from a life of servitude. His hair could easily be considered equal to that of a raven's feather. He keeps it long, at about his shoulders, but often in a low bearing ponytail or sometimes a red ribbon. A very large and nasty scar ran down the center of his chest, to even an averagely trained eye it appeared to be an amateur and rushed heart transplant.

Typically he wears a sort of hooded robe with unique styles. Some will come with two sleeves--some times attached by thick strings to reveal parts of his shoulders, a single sleeve or even none. The thing all the robes have in common the most is that the chest and midsection are always exposed by design. Sometimes Aziol will wear shirts or other top attire but he is never ashamed to bare the large scar down his torso. It is an attention seeker though he usually sticks out because of his clothing to begin with, so it is hardly a bother. Aziol has never been a shorts guy no matter the weather, hot temperatures never seemed to bother him anyhow. In his more formal wear, he has various custom made suits that come with hoods as well--a feature he obviously adores. Whatever the case may be Aziol can always be found in sorts of casual dress footwear from slip-ons to lace-ups but never a strap.

Personality Description - Aziol comes off light-hearted on the outside but in his recent years, he finds himself slowly becoming bitter. He tries not to think of himself as an elderly man despite his true age but the years he has spent alive have already taken their toll on him and he had no idea how long this thing inside his chest was going to keep him so young and spry. He never was a worrier at heart, even in his current years. He is quick to join in on a good time or a gossipy conversation but he was also quick to leave these events the moment he grew disinterested. The majority of his motivation for this behavior was his desire for an adventure or just something exciting to happen. His general cheerfulness is genuine down to the core and he is a delight to be around but sometimes his bitterness of having technically lived a full life shines through causing him to come off as cynical or a downright jerk.

History - Aziol is not his true name, that name has been magically sealed from time and history to protect himself. It all started on a fatefully hot day where the young man found himself practically wondering the scorching desert. He and the bodies that accompanied him were on a delivery mission for their lord, something similar to an earth's Pharoah but by a different name. They were certain they were on the right path as they had done this a dozen times, the only problem was it was an especially hot day. Their dazed stroll hindered them from seeing the approaching bandits on the backs of creatures similar to camels but these animals lacked the evolutionary need for humps and their function for survival. Most of the common servants were slain by the end of the bloody battle, including Aziol's formal body. Those remaining were special warrior priests that managed to slay the ravagers but not before the cargo they were carrying became damaged in the tussle. The precious cargo inside the largest container they were carrying was nothing other than the rarest of creatures, an immortal fire sprite. A creature of immense power that had the natural ability of never aging. Unlike other sprites and elves and many other long-living creature, an immortal fire sprite possessed an innate power granted usually only to those of a darker nature. However, this magical being roared with a light so bright and pure that embraced those around it with a comforting warmth, there was no doubt that it was a benevolent creature.

Unfortunately, it's immortality status only pertained to its longevity and not the ability to avoid harm--it was dying from the assault. The warrior-priests were meant to deliver this creature to their lord for a very particular purpose but the creature would not make it to their destination. Their only hope was to perform a very particular ritual in order to save the fire sprite's life. They gathered the necessary materials from the remaining pots and crates surrounding them and begun the ritual. The idea was to infuse the heart of the fire sprite with a host and this would grant the host the powers of the sprite. The ritual they performed that day was supposed to be temporary but things did not go entirely as they had planned. Aziol was the lucky winner among the dead that would temporarily be a host for the heart of the immortal fire sprite. The warrior-priests believed they could keep the sprite's heart beating in one of the escort's bodies as they could maintain the circulations of the body without stimulating the brain thus keeping the heart alive without fully completing the ritual by not bringing the body back to life. So they hastily ripped open Aziol's carcass and removed his heart, tossing into the sand nearby, and replacing it with the sprite's heart. It instantly started glowing when it was resting upon his exposed torso and magically connected the necessary valves to function. The warrior-priests thought this strange but one instantly began working on the spells to keep the body functionally while the other two repaired Aziol's wounds.

It wasn't until a mere hour from reaching their destination did things begin to unhinge. In an instant, Aziol's body sprung to life and upon the warrior-priest's defensive reactions did the thing that was no longer a young servant nor a magically winged creature birthed in the brightest flame instinctively reacted. The last thing to cross those poor soul's eyes was a searing flame that turned them to ash in a matter of seconds. Since then Aziol has not been able to display that level of power, he assumed it was some kind of initiation thing or something. A technical birth took place that day, Aziol does not share exactly the same features he did before his death and rebirth. Mostly his facial features became slightly more angelic appearing in the sense that his skin as an unnatural sort of glow to it as well as his bone structure looking a little too perfect to not be plastic surgery--but not in a tack way.

(There is some history I would like to reveal in character if that is alright. I will update this post as things progress.)

Powers - Aziol's only true power is his control over the fire element. He can create it in ways like spells, it has to be a focused agenda for the fire he cannot just create wildfire, per se.
Some examples are: A simple fireball. They are small, about softball-sized, and can be thrown rather quickly but do not do a lot of initial damage. A fireball can cause things to burn or catch flame.
Lines or small shapes of fire can be cast upon the ground but no farther than fifteen feet away from Aziol.
To judge the range of Aziol's literal firepower, he could probably burn down a small house with a single fire spell but it would take roughly three to five minutes to gather the energy to charge that level of spell and he would be nearly drained after that.

Of course, every true mage born of magic comes with a familiar, a creature born from a piece of his soul, apart but forever linked. The being takes the form of a slightly overweight domestic feline. The magical cat showed features of a maine coon, with fur mixtures of orange and white--neither color truly dominating the other. Eyes as blue as the sky and an appetite to match the vastness of it. The familiar cat was in no way a combatant companion, it was as lazy as mischevious as a normal house cat. Aziol often wondered why... just why this thing was chosen as his familiar. Don't get him wrong, he loved all animals and especially cats but as a mage's familiar it was rather useless to say nicely. He reluctantly named it Karamie, in his homeworld it means Plump.

(I didn't write out spell names and stats cause his fire manipulation is more like magical mutation rather than like how a wizard casts spells.)

Abilities - All spells and powers listed below require physical components and prep time before casting. Most spells have a one to two day shelf time before requiring to remake it so that the spell is castable.

Mage Hand; A spectral, floating hand appears at a point Aziol's choosing within a range of 30 feet. The hand lasts for the duration of 1 minute or can be dismissed at will. The hand vanishes if it gets too far. It can interact with any physical object and move up to 10 lbs, it cannot, however, interact with magical items.

Detect Magic; Aziol is able to see magic from objects or creatures via the form of an aura. This spell is limited to direct line of sight or up to a foot through most objects. Lead seems to block the effects of the spell almost entirely.

Mage Armor; This spell works as long as the host is not wearing traditional armor. It can be cast on others as well and the effects last for up to 8 hours or until the "damage cap" per se is reached. Mage Armor blocks approximately twenty-five percent of both physical and magical damage.

Dispel Magic; This spell is pretty self-explanatory. It requires rare ingredients and a lot of it and it doesn't always work but it very simply shuts down magical effects of objects or even effects cast on someone or something.

Animate Objects; Aziol can bring to life items nearby that are not being used or worn by someone. Small objects are easy to manipulate and he can do so with many at a time but the larger the object the fewer he can control at once.

Arcane Blunder; This spell conjures an ancient weapon crafted by creatures long forgotten. Aziol obtained the spell very illegally but it was worth it. The Arcane Blunder is a single barrel pump-action shotgun that casts magical shells. The shells could be anything from a sleep effect to a damaging elemental effect. Aziol mainly uses it for fire-based shells as they are the easiest to generate. The shotgun lasts as long as there are shells to fire, it starts with three shells but Aziol can choose to use more material and time to make more if the situation calls for it, or allows.

Astral Projection; Aziol is able to separate his soul from his body and travel to the astral plane. The spell can be shared with a group as long as they surrounded him upon casting the spell. A tether is created when the spell is cast that binds the soul and the body no matter how far the astral body may travel. However, if the soul were to enter into another plane of existence the tether would force the material body to travel with the soul to the new plane.

Skills - It can be said that Aziol possesses a rather good set of social skills, while not exactly having a silver tongue he can manage to never make a moment awkward and generally gets strangers to trust him. This allows for smooth encounters when he is up to no good. 80% of the time it works all of the time.
Over the years Aziol found himself having time to study more than just magic spells so he picked up a few handy tricks from some hackers after accidentally discovering the multiverse. He would not dare call himself a hacker but moderately tough electronic locks and terminals were a strong breeze for him.
Even before his rebirth, Aziol's dexterous hands were a bit of a legend. Having grown up in a life of servitude his ambitious heart found ways to train his hands to be as quick as lightning, especially when it came to extra rations. This aids him greatly in executing spells quickly.
other - Aziol possesses a single magical item: a ring called Autarch's Skein. It grants him the ability to fly, with moderate flight speed and decent air time. The enchantment on the ring can temporarily run out but can recharge in sunlight or through magical means.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 01 Nov 2019, 23:22

[mention=61355]Warheit[/mention] your character concept is great.

You've explained how your fire works well.

However, unless you define the advantage and limitations of your summoning spells, and conjuration spells or any other spells contained in your spell book you won't be able to utilize them in a spar.

For non-sparring purposes your character is intriguing and approved to get started. So if you'd like, you can add your spells for approval in a spar on a later date.

Your fire manipulation ability is already good, so there'd be no problem with you using it in a spar.

A rebirth as a new type of hybrid being because a ritual went wrong should prove to be a fascinating character.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 03 Nov 2019, 15:33

I just added the Location template to the first thread. Credit goes to Expendable for putting the template together, thanks.

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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by PharaohAtem » 04 Nov 2019, 00:07

I do have a planet that he's from and it's not earth. I have to add some things to it with the bio.

Name: Anubis or Anpu
Aliases: Lord of Death and Rebirth, the Guardian of the Veil, Jackal-God
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Egyptian God
Random statistics: Born upon the light of the moon with a soul shrouded in darkness Anubis moves from one demention to the next seeking the ultimate power that is just within his reach. Cursed by the gods for his powers, he is sworn to uphold an ancient law that has yet to die. With every soul he takes within him, his soul grows more darker with each passing moment and only the purity of one Pharaoh maybe able to stop this angry creature from destroying the universe.

Physical Description: A person who is revered by the village and protects it from the harshness of the environment that threatens to destroy them all. He is taller then most with raven black skin that is as soft and smooth as a newborn babies. Strong muscular shoulders led way to golden arm bracelets that are attacked to the hands in which the fingers are encased in gold and look more like claws then fingers themselves. A giant emerald lays upon the middle of the bracelet and glows with an inner light that makes it look like waves upon an ocean. Upon the waist is a golden belt with a bust that envelopes the hips with the same matching emerald as in the armlet bracelets, but this goes almost to the knees then leaves off to a flowing black skirt that flays out as if controlled by some kind of breeze that is unseen and felt. Upon the shoulder is a cape that is half black and the other half gold and it also floats as if controlled by some kind of breeze that is unseen or felt. From the middle of the chest another emerald is attacked to what looks like a head bust that has the head of a jackal and is black with gold that falls behind the ears and revolves around the front like free flowing hair. Long black ears point forward and golden eyes that see too much and always seems to go straight for a person’s soul. A black mouth opens to reveal pearl white teeth that are meant for tearing and ripping skin to shreds. As they raise both hands the right hand starts to glow with green energy while the other hand appears to hold a golden staff with a ankh with an emerald in the middle of it on top. The blast obliterates everything in side, but in it’s place is an emerald statue of the person that had dared interrupt the sleep of the Pharaoh within.

Personality Description: Anubis is ruled by passions, his emotional control is apparently next to nonexistent. He does what he feels when he feels like it, with only a few instances where restraint was exercised. He is angry, sorely impatient, obsessed with little details, and has trust issues. This inner suspicion and attention to detail makes him hate any form of perceived or actual deception. Also very religious when it comes to Ancient Egyptian, sine he's a god and sorely follows rules that are often broken when they need to be.

Skills, powers and abilities:

Spirit Blast: Anubis can conjure up a ball of swirling ghostly energy, and then hurl it at an opponent. These blasts are made up of spiritual energy that is transformed out of the atomic blood that whirls within the emerald jewels upon Anubis's armor. His blood is made of atomic liquid and when it comes into contact with human or non human spiritual energy it causes a mass of power which is used in the form of a spirit blast. If it hits, it ignores armor, and does damage equal to that of an atomic bomb considering his powers are of that material.

Spiritual Eyes: He can also fire unspecified energy blasts from his eyes. These are also power from his blood which is made of atomic liquid and when it comes into contact with human or non human spiritual energy it causes a mass of power which is used in the form of a Spiritual Laser.

Spirit Wave: Raising a hand he can use the power within his emerald jewels and conjure up a wave of the spiritual power that has atomic powers in which case this wave can take down an entire army and destroy it leaving nothing behind.

Storm of Sand: Able to control a desert he can control the weather causing huge sand storms that rain down upon villages, choking the life out of those unmasked and burring anything in its way. The more sand that surrounds him the more damage he can do including burying an entire army in the sand.

Material Manipulations: When not surrounded by sand he can use the sand found in one of her pouches and mix it with the dirt around him causing it to look like sand and act like normal sand. He can also use pieces of metal and make a storm out of it like whirling the sand around him and other smaller objects.

Spirit Eraser: Using the hands of his powers which are encased in gold bracelets he is able to suck some of the life force out a person and take it in as his own. He has never killed a person with this power, but in all retro events it is possible to suck the life energy out of a person if it were a death match. This power is his curse for survival least he withers into an empty husk of his former powers.

Command Undead: He is able to control those that have died, including resurrecting bodies from there graves and using them as zombies to attack in hordes against his enemy they have the ability to suck the life energy out of a person, but not at the strength of their master who can kill a person in battle. They then return this power to Anubis and it is absorbed into his body to continue his spiritual growth.

Reality Perception: Anubis can see the network patterns of matter and energy that form the universe with unearthly ability and cross over into other dimensions. In other terms the universe is filled with thermal trails in space that are like roads to other worlds and other galaxy, seeing these paths gives him the ability to use those thermal paths to travel through one dimension to the next and use that power to see things that most humans can only see through thermal microscopes.

Mummification: Anubis is unsurpassed in his ability to perform rituals of mummification. Given a few days and the proper tools, he can mummify anything. No roll required.

Vanish: When the going gets tough, Anubis gets out of there! If things are looking really bad, he can spend an action to disappear in a puff of smoke. Success means thwarting him from using the power, and he can only attempt this once a day. If he succeeds, he vanishes and appears somewhere non-specific and far away. He can't take other people or creatures with him.

Healing Light: When injured he has the ability to either heal herself or heal someone else. Either way it takes power which causes him to have to rejuvenate later. Using his hand he puts it on the injury and recites Egyptian words as his hand starts to light up. Given to him by Horus himself he uses the powers of light and dark to help others.

Regenerating Powers: Able to regenerate broken or torn limbs as well as any injury that is sustained in battle. This power comes from the spiritual energy he steels from other creatures and is depended on the power level of the soul energy he is steeling from others. If he has taken in lower level characters powers then the healing rate takes hours instead of seconds as it would in a higher level character’s spiritual energy.

Character Equipment:

Shielding of the Gods: The emeralds that are within his golden armor is a mixture of people's spiritual energy and the powers of atomic liquid which swirls together and gives him the power of ultimate destruction not to mention the power to use his powers. This life giving energy revolves is his life blood and protects him from the rigors of radiation that almost all atomic powers give off, but it does not protect others, if he is traveling with someone if they don't have protection they will die. The golden armor itself is made of a golden alloy not found on earth and was said to be hand crafted by the gods themselves and given to those they can trust to use the powers wisely. If he does not use these powers wisely they will become corrupt and start to disintegrate and further more become a death trap for him as the atomic energy that once protected him becomes his enemy and slowly kills him with radiation poisoning.

Scepter of Osiris: Made from the same golden armor that surrounds its owner it also has an emerald crystal ball upon the top of it to unleash spiritual energy upon lands and destroy if from the inside by causing decay. This gives extraordinary power to destroy cities with a slow process not to mention causes immediate death to those unprotected from such radiation.

Ankh of Anubis: Ankh symbolizes eternal life. Anubis is god of the dead. This golden Ankh that is upon a golden necklace brings Anubis his eternal life and ability to come back from the dead. He wears it upon his neck, but it unseen to everyone but himself and his followers. This also is part of power he does to use to bring the dead within their tombs to life and attack his enemies. Often many fortune hunters have tried to steal this valuable weapon from Anubis's hands, but often find themselves having radiation burns that often lead to the decay of the skin which leaves to the loss of their hands or arms. This also give him the ability to shape shift into his Jackal form which is in the form of a black dog with long black and gold ears that stand up almost as if they are satellites taking in sounds.

Character History: Anubis was born a child of prophecy to the Egyptian Gods and as he grew he was thought the ways of the Egyptians. He became the God of Embalming, but with these powers he became a ruthless person who protected the gods and goddesses from anyone who dared challenge them. Upon a land that a certain god owned and thrived upon the Pharaoh Atem broke the sacred laws that governed this area and in so her powers were stripped from her and sealed within the ankh that Anubis carried. Owning this power he has gained many abilities and powers besides his own and waits until the day comes when Atem finds the courage to come back and fight for her powers, but this has been centuries and so far her powers have continued to weaken. Sooner or later Anubis will come for her soul and take it for his own, sealing the death of a Pharaoh who's power used to be well respected upon her lands until the day she broke a trust with certain gods and goddesses.


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Re: Infinity N (RFP)

Post by Tanya » 07 Nov 2019, 23:51

Fantastic character.

Spiritual eyes does not mention what the mass of power is or does. Please correct this.

How does Spirit Wave destroy an Army? Is it similar to the Spirit Blast? Please include what it uses to destroy an army, and what size of army.

Outside of that, the rest can be used for sparring and all of it is good for roleplaying.

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