Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

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Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 26 Jan 2019, 17:13

OOC: Everyone is free to just jump in and starting roleplaying. This RP has no plot, just devise your own, and your own circumstances in this world. Double posting is fine, just don't triple post.

To make it clear on what race you can choose, it's any. You can't leave the atmosphere, but you can certainly fly. You can pretty much possess any powers as well.

Setting: Ten years ago an alien species invaded. Their technology was vastly superior, and it seemed the human race was doomed. However, in an attempt to fight back, the world changed forever. The aliens did not win, they found themselves trapped on Earth with everyone else.

A ray hit the world and the aliens too. People changed, most could no longer call themselves humans, but some still can. The ray caused the aliens to mutate as well, most importantly it rendered their superior technology useless. The animals grew intelligent as well and some mutated.

The Alien and Humans came to a peace agreement afterward and today live in peace. Although there is still some discontent among them. Another phenomenon had occurred as well.

No one has died since that day, or should be said they have, but instantly regenerate as well as everything else. It has become disconcerting for most, but as a result, murder isn't looked down upon as much. Hate crimes are treated much more viciously now since everyone seems to be immortal in a sense.

Having children is a thing of the past as well. The youngest children are ten, and no newborns have occurred since. Those who have aged to adulthood have literally stopped aging. No clear answers yet exist on how to combat this, though they are searching. The scientist who created the ray is nowhere to be found.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 26 Jan 2019, 17:29

Red, once again was laying in an abandoned car in the city his home. It was time to go out and see what was going on it the city. The market would be a good place. Red stretch his claws as he got up and jumped out of the car. His feline size grew from the appearance of a small house cat into a large red mountain lion, hence his name. He liked to keep things simple. He headed out to the market to see what rares they had or to prowl for anything interesting. He knew he was low on cash and needed some, his buddies would be upset with him if he didn't figure out a way to find some. Normally when he got some he'd spend it on a party for his buddies. He was perfectly content living inside an old abandon car.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by YukiChan » 27 Jan 2019, 10:58

Ghost opened her eyes as the sun leaked its way inside the abandoned warehouse, reaching down she checked to make sure her daggers were still in their sheaths upon her thighs. Nodding her head as they were still there, she rose to her feet and headed towards a mini fridge that was next to one of the many tall windows that covered the building. Taking a bottle of pre-made protein milkshake which was a special concoction of her very own recipe, many would find the smell alone disgusting, she chugged it down in one and wiped her mouth as she placed the bottle back inside the fridge. "Time for another day of scavenging, such a waste of time." Ghost was quite skilled in finding things and making sure she went unnoticed, which is why she earned the nickname. Pickpocket, assassin, fast, would just be a few other words to describe her. She wasn't a bad person, but she wasn't a good person either. Ghost had learnt that if you want anything in life, you take it. No matter the cost. As she moved for the exit she grabbed a tight black leather jacket that was hung by the door and proceeded to leave the building, black was her favourite colour, its all she ever wore. Tight, dark clothing, it couldn't get stuck on anything and hold her back. She would have her long white hair tied in a ponytail that swung behind her and wore a black mask that covered her mouth and nose so that all you could see were her deep red eyes which felt like they were staring right into your soul.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 27 Jan 2019, 17:39

The city Red lived in had been one of the unfortunate cities that took a great blow during the war. The buildings were in ruins. Though some of them had survived and were still intake and functioning. Power had long been restored and so had running water. So the facilities that remained were fine. However, there was a dispute in this city on who governed it. The so-called aliens or the originally governing government. As a result, little had been done to restore the city. Many still made their homes here, because it was where they grew up, and they were attached to it despite its destruction. Most left the crumbling city though.

Red was a lion in the zoo here, but no more. Now he was considered a citizen here, an unwanted one since he tended to con others here and there out of their possessions, or simply take them. He was considered a scoundrel it was fine by him. He liked living as one. He didn't anyone to praise him for confirming to society. It was society he didn't belong to anyways, they had forced it onto him.

Red was for now taking his normal walk, admiring is freedom, he was a proud creature and his stride showed it. A girl ran up to him, to greet him. Her name was Jamie, she was a teenager, young for this world. Red and Jamie had been friends for a while, she had lost her parents in the war and she was a toddler. The girl had survival instincts though, and Red admired that in her. I didn't know why Jamie was attached to him, she didn't need him at all, at least not anymore. He had helped her in the past because she was in a desperate situation. Even he couldn't overlook that.

"Hey youngster, how are you doing? I'm out prowling for some prey."

"Food banks will give you the food you need, they never run out."

"You know I'm not looking for food, I'm looking for chumps."

"You never change Red, I wish you'd stop that."

"No way, those chumps deserve it. They should learn their lessons and not be easy targets."

"Its wrong to take advantage of others."

"I'm just going to take their stuff, they'll get more, no big deal." Jamie frowned, as usual, it was a conversation they had regularly, she never gave up on trying to change him. But he was who he was and that was that. Red liked Jamie, so he tolerated her attempts.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by YukiChan » 31 Jan 2019, 10:32

The run down urban scene that lay before Ghost as she stepped out of the building was like something straight out of a movie, ruins of old buildings from before the war and in the distance you could see one of the new cities that had been built after. With its towering buildings, one after the other after the other. The buildings seemed never ending in the new city. Ghost didn't care much for the company of others, so being in the ruins, where nobody lived, pleased her. Nobody ever knew what race she was, as she never told anyone much about herself, but to be truthful, she wasn't all that sure what she was. Some kind of cross species of some sort. She looked pretty humanoid though, so if someone asked her if she was human she would just go with it. Ghost didn't have much memory of her past, she guesses that at some point during the war she must have suffered a bad blow to the head, causing her to have amnesia. Sometimes she would have weird dreams that seemed to be maybe memories, but she could never piece them together. After walking what seemed like eternity, she finally made it to the city, looking around she made note of where the guards were, or any point of interest/danger. Ghost made her way to her usual place, a small house which was rather odd to say most of the buildings in the city were vast. Upon entering she was greeted by a weird looking male, he was of an alien race. This man loved collecting old pre-war artefacts that belonged to the humans and would pay Ghost a lot of money to find them.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 08 Feb 2019, 02:29

Red parted ways with Jamie, and set out. Well he sort of did. Despite what he had told Jamie he wasn't ready to head to the busy streets or abandon homes to look for prizes. He wanted to go hang out with his friends first and see if some of them would come along for the fun. Well it was funner with others. Zed for instance was a wolf, like him he was now intelligent and as much of an opportunist, perhaps more so, Jamie didn't like Zed one bit. Red, however, liked Zed. There was a bar they usually hung out at, although it wasn't strictly for animals only animals went there on a regular basis. Sometimes there were others, it was mix of them. It was strange that he had no desire to chase a deer anymore. Well there was plenty of food that was given out at the food bank, just like Jamie said.

Pony ran the bar, he was an irritable donkey and didn't like it when others pointed out he was in fact an ugly donkey and not a pony at all. Red was sure Pony styled himself as a pony and insisted to be referred to as one. Pony wasn't bad, and he didn't charge much for his drinks and food. Naturally the food was free for him to acquire so he could only charge for prepping and serving it. I had tab at Pony's because I didn't have money to buy all the time, but I paid it whenever I did, and I usually had the funds every few months, which pony seemed agreeable too. Luckily he didn't charge interest. I imagine he might if I took to long to pay. In fact pony often pushed me to go out and make some money to pay my tab. I arrived at the bar, I saw that Zed and Pony was there.

"Hi Zed, what's up? Pony, I'll have a couple of eggs with a thick slice of ham and a coffee."

"Coming up Red," Pony replied.

"Are here just to agitate me?" Zed remarked. Zed went out for work more often than I did and didn't need a tab. As I understood it, he was fairly well off. Sometimes he'd have work for me to join in on and I was actually hoping for that. I didn't have to find it that way.

"No, just wondering if you have a gig going in which you could use an extra hand on, like me."

"You are here to agitate me," Zed confirmed.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 04 May 2019, 16:58

Name: Almiraj
Age: Unknown

"It's been ten years since I crawled out of that abomination I once called home and what do I have to show for it? Nothing."

Almiraj hopped back and forth in irritation as he realized that he was going to have to go on the offensive soon enough if he wanted to eat to stop his hunger pains. Almiraj knew he wouldn't die but he hated pain with the passion. Unfortunately, when he mutated, it changed the things he could eat without getting sick. This made finding food ever so much more difficult because he could only eat certain kinds of vegetables. None of which grew in his forest. Ever since the blast, every animal had mutated. Some stayed ignorant creatures but a good majority of them developed keen intelligence and started fighting for food. After they realized they would regenerate if something bad happened to them, many of the animals in the forest decided they would gang up on other animals and abuse them for fun. This is ultimately what caused Almiraj to move just outside the city. Oh he could defend himself but he didn't really like fighting all that much and he had grown tired of being ganged up on by a pack of coyotes that liked to watch him squirm.

After he had moved, he found a shotgun next to an unidentifiable mutated body. It was a special kind of shotgun, it fire compressed air bullets that would knock opponents out but wouldn't actually cause them pain. Since it drew air from the surroundings, it never had to be reloaded and it was useful for getting out of a sticky situation. This was three days ago, now Almiraj approached the remains of a farm which he had scouted out two days ago. It had some of the vegetables he could eat growing in it still. However, it was guarded by something Almiraj had never seen before and it looked just like a demon to his eyes.

"What in the name of Peter Cottontail is that?" he mutters under his breath. He carefully approached it but it didn't move except for swaying slightly in the wind. It looked really sinister but so far, it hadn't attacked him yet. Just as he was about about three feet from it, a strong gust of wind blew and all of a sudden, the creature was heading towards Almiraj. In a panic, he picks up his shotgun and fires a bullet of compressed air at it. When it hits the creature, it explodes and hay goes everywhere. "Huh?" that's not supposed to happen...Well whatever. At least I can get food now. Almiraj opens his backpack and fills it with potatoes he dug out of the ground, squash, some kind of carrot that Almiraj wasn't sure if he could eat and some cucumbers. As soon as he filled it up a gunshot filled the air.

"GET OUT OF MY GARDEN!" a strange fellow yelled.

Almiraj jumps up and runs away from the garden and back to the long abandoned barn that had been so overgrown with vines and weeds, you could no longer tell it had even been a barn. "That was close," he mutters, "I hate pain and that would've hurt for days if I had gotten hit. At least I got some food out of this but now, it's time for a nap. I'm thankful the mutation made me faster but it certainly consumes a lot of energy."

Almiraj falls asleep in his barn, unaware that he had been followed.
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by aries0179 » 05 May 2019, 12:00

so i wanna join here too but i wanted to ask you some questions based on the info you posted about the world and the issues it is facing. question 1: what makes you sure that it was a artificially generated source or is that your thoughts? just to be fair the aliens wouldnt try to strand their own forces and then to have it change the population on either side makes humanity unlikely as well. in that instance i have info that you can use to validate what was done to you or at least its a true real life danger that can hit us with in say the nearest super nova mass star is about 7 light yrs out. well the remaining death star left over from the nova will expel a gamma ray burst travelling 1 light year a minute so about 7 minutes is all the warning it would give and if its aligned in this direction we will be either burnt up or be similar to your scenario. im thinking that it might help foster trust and honest relations with the populations that are here. its a thought and i wanted to investigate the issue with you since you would have a better idea for the events playing out but i wanted to offer the reality that might have been. i have more questions but i dont want to try to learn stuff that you are leaving out on purpose. im gonna make a character though and i want to know what choices i can use and the extent of the trouble that humans, aliens, and all other life is dealing with so i know what to expect or maybe use as some leverage in a time of need, you never know whats out and about on the surface of the scorched earth or what they may want to kill and eat.... just sayin. let me know the details for characters and ill try to make a suitable fit for the world here, thanks.

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by aries0179 » 05 May 2019, 15:55

My name is Ulqyiora:
I was constructed of dead souls collected and made to manifest and strengthen in form and ability. as you may notice i have a hole through my chest and it signifies my lack of attachment and feeling so i became a hollow soul when i died. the form i am in now is my most perfect weapon. I fly with ease and have powerful energy that can be used to destroy many at once or a single fierce opponent and i am many times stronger than humans with only my bare hands. i have no master and no instructions to obey so i live to hunt and destroy any that are against me or get in my way. living in the shade i have vanished for untold time but i am here and it is now i will kill any and all i wish for that is the one feeling i have that remains mine and i will comply..... run or fear me and if you dare become a "ally" if you are strong and useful to me and this one feeling thats never silent as my haunting destiny in this life, to win and to crush all in the way!

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 11 May 2019, 12:11

The wolf looked at Red.

"Well I do have work that I could use an extra hand on, it isn't much of a job though, but it'll take at least one other. A Farmer has an issue with people stealing from his Garden. He wants them eliminated," Zed offered Red. Red looked at Zed as if that was stupid.

"Even if we kill them, they'll just be back," Red Remarked.

"We don't even know if it's more than one. The farmer hasn't spotted the thief or theives yet," Zed stated.

"He can always get free food though," Red argued confused about why anyone hire someone to protect it.

"Not everyone lives in the city or wants to make the trip, this food is different, now stop annoying me and decide if you are going to join or not," Zed replied. Red realized Zed wasn't that patient and was more about getting things done. Well Red thought it was honest work, even it did seem silly to him. Jamie would be happy hearing he had gone on an honest paying job.

"I'm in," Red confirmed.

"Good, now keep quiet and eat your breakfast, then will head out," Zed informed Red. Red scarffed his breakfast down. Pony was pretty happy Red had a job, but Red was pretty sure this one wouldn't cover his tab, but he needed to put at least a dent in it.

Zed led the way to the farmers house and Red followed, as soon as they arrived the Farmer was yelling at the thief.

"Lets go," Zed commanded," at a distant. Red knew that meant stealthily. It was a Rabbit with a shotgun it seemed. Just hungry, why didn't he use the food bank, Red thought. The two gave chase.

The Rabbit hid in an abandoned barn it seemed. Zed directed Red to go to the back, so Red raced off. Zed wanted to corner the prey so it couldn't escape. Since Red had worked with Zed so often, he knew he needed to go in from the back to scare the Rabbit to the main entrance, an obvious escape well Zed would get him.

When Red went inside the barn, he found the Rabbit fast asleep. Not much of a target and easy to catch. Red just tied the rabbit up. Went out and told Zed he had done so.

"I found him asleep so I tied him up, he didn't notice, must be worn out." Zed looked at Red, then replied.

"That doesn't solve this."

"I'll take him to the City, to my place and explain things to him."

"Your such a push over Red, but that gets what the farmer wants done, not this is the only one," Zed admitted. Zed continured, "Lets go, bring him, so we'll get paid."

Red went in and picked up the tied rabbit, who may woke but was quite secured. Red had the Rabbits things in another bag he had on his back. They headed to the farm, and were paid. Red took the Rabbit to his place, where he untied him.

"What were you thinking?"

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 16 May 2019, 01:07

Almiraj's vision was a little hazy when he started to wake up and immediately noticed that he was tied up. He struggled just a bit before his captor untied him and asked him what he was thinking. He panicked just a bit at realizing he didn't have his shotgun but he figured if the man had meant him harm, he would've done so already.

"What did it look like I was doing? I was getting food. Ever since I mutated the food I can eat has changed and so I had to leave the forest I had lived my entire life in. I just happened upon that bit of land that was growing food that I could eat so I took it and some person shot at me. Oh and when I entered the farm there was this demonic looking creature that burst into hay when I fired my shotgun. It exploded into hay. What was it? I thought nothing could die now."

Almiraj hopped a bit closer to the man. "Now, who are you and why did you have me tied up?"
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 16 May 2019, 01:17

The red mountain lion looked at Almiraj, and thought well that make sense.

"You didn't kill it, that monster will be alive and kicking tomorrow. It just takes it a bit longer to recover. Best not anger it again. In the mean time I can show you where you can get all the grub you can eat. Sounds good to you? Oh, and one condition you mustn't ever go back to that farm where that monster reigns supreme. The wraith of the other monster there was angry about his demise."

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 27 May 2019, 05:23

"All the grub I can eat?" Almiraj questions suspiciously. "That sounds too good to be true. If there's one thing I've learned, nothing in this world is free. Everything costs something."

Even though he was suspicious, in the end, hunger won and so Almiraj decided to trust the mountain lion.

"Please take me to this food. I'm starving....also...can I have my shotgun back please?"
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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Tanya » 27 May 2019, 15:50

Red hands Almiraj his shotgun. Then Red leads Almiraj to the food bank which had quite a line, it was pretty normal though.

"Here we wait, but they have any kind of food you could want, you just have to cook it yourself. I have some methods in my place for cooking, so it's fine. I'm just not much of a cooker. Wait, I could invite friend over, she loves to cook. She might even like you."

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Re: Unusual Tidings (Casual) -A slice of life

Post by Basically Deleted » 28 May 2019, 00:53

"I don't necessarily have to cook my food. I am a rabbit after all but I have found that some foods taste better cooked."

Almiraj eyed all the people and animals in line waiting for food. It seemed it would be awhile before he got his.

"Perhaps...who's this friend of yours?"
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