The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 18 Jun 2023, 16:04

Well one good thing happened today, Dad managed to get the Xbox One S to work.

I'm in the process of sending the Series S back due to overheating issues which obviously cause a safety hazard, it also won't turn on.

Given reports on Facebook last week that MS are no longer supporting the Xbox One, I might have to invest in a Series X up here, as I can't keep carrying the SX from the Flat up here and back.

Do I have £500 for a console and a wired/wireless controller though? Are you avin' a laugh?
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 19 Jun 2023, 11:34

Another annoying day not totally of my own doing.

Got an email on my work account from someone called Sarah about some conference in a posh Hotel in Germany in November, even if I could afford to get to Germany (and I can't), logistically it'd be a nightmare, and in 3 days it'd use about a month's worth of hours from the support workers.

Also, I've had a response to the long email I sent yesterday to the social worker, he wants me to discuss the problem with Choices manager, Paul Hubbard, I'd give him a call but I don't know his mobile number without looking, and I don't have access to my mobile at the moment as it's at the Flat! We're also supposed to have some kind of assessment this week about my medical priority request for the Council Housing register, you what? The Council's known me for years, and they know I have problems, but they're confounded by red tape and beuracracy from the incompetent clowns in London, ie the Tories, and of course social flippin' services! And they wonder why everyone hates social workers?! I officially despair!

I've just had to ring the Lyceum box office, due to being stressed, I accidentally booked another pair of tickets for the Buddy Holly story at the Lyceum next month, Saturday the 8th at 15.00, Laura has more than the required 2 weeks notice so cry more about the requirement for a late shift on a Saturday afternoon.

Fortunately they've cancelled the first set of tickets, and have sent me e-tickets for the one I booked an hour and half ago.

I've also booked tickets for an 80s themed show next January about the music of Stock-Aitken-Waterman, you know, the big hit makers from the mid to late 80s, featuring such talent as Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan, they're not in the show of course, just their music.

I booked for this year's Lyceum Christmas Panto last week as well, Beauty and the Beast, they did Cinderella last year which was good, can't believe it was nearly 6 months ago that, only seems like the other week! Although we did go to a show last month, Sister Act.

Dad's currently out trying to sort his car out, hopefully he gets either his back or a hire car.

Well as of a couple of hours ago, Dad's got a hire car so we can get back first thing for the support worker tomorrow.

I have a busy morning planned of posting stuff, long walk up to Upperthorpe PO and back, and there's a UPS place next door to the PO where I've got to send the MS Parcel back to Germany.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 22 Jun 2023, 17:11

So on Tuesday I was up around 8.40, went for a wee, and made a protein shake, Kieran arrived just after 9, I had some breakfast later, and a very quick bath.

Got dressed, and had a coffee and tablets, and then we set off for the Upperthorpe PO and the UPS shop, armed with 2 packages to send off, walked all the way there and back, plenty of steps on my Fitbit! Sent both parcels off no problem, bought this week’s Lottery tickets in the UPS shop.

When we got back, it was lunch time, and we watched The Bill, and then did some Xbox and had another coffee.

I then had to make some calls on the mobile, to try and find out if we can get this assessment sorted for the medical priority on the Housing list, turns out it’s an MS Teams or Zoom meeting at 13.30 tomorrow, not in person, in some ways that’s good but I’d prefer an in person meeting to be honest.

I also booked for the new Transformers: Rise of the Beasts at the Odeon at 12.50 on Wednesday.

Later on, it was tea time, Pizza.

After tea, Kieran left, and I watched some TV and decided to pop across to t’ Tesco to check the balance on my card, there’s some actual money on it!

Plus I got some more steps in on my Fitbit walking to Tesco and back.

I was going to have a short walk round the Ponderosa for some more steps, but it was pretty busy.

I fancied a drink as well, was tempted to walk up to the White Hart for a quick half, but it would’ve somehow got back here, and they don’t approve of me going in the pub on my own.

I just had a bottle of Beer when I got back, followed by some Pringles.

And watched a film, well tried to, I’ve got 2 copies of the Dark Crystal on Blu Ray, both of them are so badly scratched that they break up when watching! I just played WWE 2K23 in the end.

Made a coffee around 20.30, 40 minutes later I had tablets, rang to say good night and went to bed.

Moving on to yesterday.

Was up between 8.30 and 9, Mercy arrived around 9.40, after I’d had a protein shake and later, breakfast, coffee and tablets.

I then had a quick bath, and got dressed.

And we set off for the Tram to Town as I wanted to do a few bits before the movie.

Including trying to get something from CEX, they didn’t have anything I wanted though.

So I went in Sarni’s and ordered some lunch, their sandwiches are nice, as is their coffee, bit expensive though, sandwich, bag of crisps and a coffee came to about £6.30, which meant it was about 2 quid for a bag of crisps! You what?

Following lunch, we walked up to the Odeon for Transformers, I’d got a hot chocolate ordered, so we signed in, got that, and went to watch the movie! Must’ve been good as I didn’t fall asleep through any of it, only missed a couple of minutes as I went for a wee.

New Indiana Jones out next week, might go and see it, then again, I might be grading next Wednesday so I might have to change the shift slightly, Laura knows as I informed her weeks ago that it was a distinct possibility.

Plus she’s coming tomorrow so I might just mention it again.

After the movie, I went to the loo again and we walked back to Castle Square for the Tram.

Got off at Netherthorpe Road and walked down through the estate, then Mercy announced she was popping across to Tesco for something, I said she should’ve said and we’d have gone on the way back!

Had an Orange juice when we got back, and did some PC work.

That Funko Pop I listed on eBay has actually sold, the one I bought from Nottingham Comic Con, it’s gone for a bit less than I ideally wanted but it’s sold.

Taking it to the PO tomorrow.

Mercy left around 17.10, and I rang Home and asked to be picked up between 17.30 and 18.00, Dad arrived just after 18.00, he’s now got his own car back!

After tea, I got changed, and we went to TKD.

A great lesson as usual, not many in though, with it being grading season, a lot of the higher ranks aren’t eligible to grade this time so they didn’t come in.

Sir says they came in overall 3rd at Lincolnshire, oh well, can’t win every time! Plus he says he broke down on the M6 and had to get the Train Home, his car’s still off the road so he asked one of the new white belts for a lift Home.

He’s not said anything about if anyone’s grading next week yet though, that’ll come on Sunday.

After the session, we came back here, I had a small coffee and a bun, and eventually went to bed.

Moving on to today.

I was up around 7.40, came down and had a protein shake, and then went back up for a shower, was offered a shave but didn’t bother.

Came back down after getting dressed, had some breakfast, and checked the emails and stuff, nothing too important.

Around 8.30 we set off for FlyCheese, arrived just before 9, and went in bang on 9.

Sat by the Macbook, had a coffee, and watched some YouTube.

At 9.30, I set off doing some project work on the Meat Loaf tribute, 4 different songs on rock concert backgrounds.

We got most of that done, more live filming next week, in costume says Wallace.

She also asked for ideas for the next projects, I emailed a list after, including ventriloquism with Orville and Cuddles, stop motion animation with a Bagpuss puppet, and maybe a self defence tutorial video using my TKD skills.

I can’t ever tell her, but I have a crush on Wallace, she’s pretty hot and good looking lol, I think I’m a bit old for her as well.

I also fancied Darcy, and Emily.

Anyway enough of unattainable women, after the session, I made a couple of calls on the mobile while waiting for Dad, to try and find out what’s happening tomorrow afternoon, damn you social services and your lack of communication skills! We’re scheduled for an MS Teams or Zoom meeting at 13.30 tomorrow, and someone called Jess still hasn’t sent a link yet.

And then we came back here, via picking Mum up from Linda’s.

Had lunch, downloaded some Xbox Game Pass games and went back to bed for a bit.

I’ve reserved a pair of black wellies from Wynsor’s to complete the Batman cosplay, those proper Batman boots I ordered on eBay are no good, can’t even get in them!

The wellies will be picked up tomorrow afternoon.

In even better news, I’ve just checked the work email, and even though I did NO work last month, they’ve paid me nearly £25 “Holiday pay”!

This job might be worth keeping after all.

Well it’s not like I could get anything else, that Hollister interview the other week was predictably a complete waste of time plus it cost me in Uber fares both ways.

I’ve applied for a call handler job with SYP, and a sales assistant gig with JD Sports but I guarantee I won’t get interviews for either.

Right, I’m off.

I've just found a collection of 37 patterns for a Bagpuss tribute project on my course, stop motion animation of course, the patterns are to make Bagpuss himself and all the supporting characters.

From a site I found on Google called, I'll ask Mum to do a little project work for me when it comes next week.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 24 Jun 2023, 13:44

So I was up around 7.40 this morning, came down and had a protein shake, and then went up and got dressed, and then came back down for breakfast.

After a coffee and checking the emails, we set off for the Flat, via our Pete’s, arrived back around 10.30, had a quick bath and got dressed again in shorts and a t shirt.

Had another coffee, and then watched some TV and Laura arrived around 11.50.

Had some lunch and watched The Bill, and then it was time to log on for the meeting with Jess for the assessment! Pretty good that, although predictably it was late starting! Scheduled for 13.30, didn’t start till 13.45! I was asked a load of personal questions, and was offered a place on the Langsett estate in Hillsborough, it’s smaller than here, to the extent there’s no actual bedroom, I’d sleep in the Lounge! The only alternative was down at Darnall, too far away from Mum and Dad! Afterwards, we walked to the Upperthorpe PO to try and send some stuff off, turns out it’d be cheaper to try and resell the Batman boots than send them back to China, the Batman Funko Pop went no problem though.

On the way back, we called in Wynsor’s and I bought a pair of size 9 black Wellies to complete the Batman outfit, and they fit me perfectly.

Then we walked back through Tesco car park, went in for a wee, and then checked the balance on my card in the ATM, as I got paid from work today, there’s plenty of funds as long as I don’t go crackers.

When we got back, I had some juice, and tried the boots on again with the Batman suit, looks pretty good I reckon.

Around 16.30 I had a protein shake, and then Laura left (she gets hotter every time she comes! And she wears low cut tops! I’m definitely in love!) she told me there’s a possible opportunity to do a first aid course in Nottingham through work, she needs to find out if work will pay my Train fare, she might tell me on Sunday or next week.

I also mentioned the possibility of a slight change to the shift next Wednesday if I happen to be grading for blue belt, as soon as I know, I’ll email her.

Right, I’m off for a drink.

That was yesterday's entry on Wordpress.

This morning, I was up around 6 originally, went on the bog, checked the emails and guess what? I won my £2.50 stake back on the Lottery last night! Around 7.30 I shut the PC down and crawled back in bed till about an hour and half later.

Got up around 9, went to the fridge to get some milk out to make breakfast, turns out I'd got 2 bottles of milk in the fridge, both of which expired yesterday! So I rang Home to see if they'd still be OK to use, Dad said yes so I went ahead and made breakfast, bran flakes.

Just after 9, Kieran arrived as I was finishing breakfast, I watched some TV and then went in the bath.

Got dressed after, and then we did a load of Xbox gaming, he got me a ton of achievements, and I'm definitely gonna win the month again, with some more points to come next week even though I'm on 2101 points as of an hour ago.

I got a message this morning from the guy I sold the Fitbit to on eBay last week, he's crying about it being a Fitbit 2 and not a 3 as advertised, it was an honest mistake on my part, and he says he paid £15 over the odds! Literally cry more, it cost me £50 and it sold for £40 so I'm already out by a tenner, however, in order to not get negative feedback, I gave him £15 back as a goodwill gesture.

I also had to pay £25 for an overdue payment on a game preorder, even though the game's not out till September.

Damn you Klarna! Damn you £35 premium priced games! I can remember back in the 80s when "full price" games were a tenner at the most, and you could get some right good stuff such as the Codemasters games for 2 or 3 quid a pop from shops such as Micro Fun on Holme Lane.

Obviously back then, game piracy was rife, mainly due to tape swapping, because of course in the 80s, the Internet as we know it hadn't been invented yet.

In better news, I have high hopes to be going for blue belt next Wednesday, I could've done without having to pay the £15 refund or the £25 late payment then, as I need £33 for the grading, although I'm sure if need be, Dad will sort that.

Especially when for some highly annoying reason, I can never pay for stuff on my main card online, the verification fails on almost every site except Amazon or Sheffield Theatres, I've brought that up at the Bank frequently, they keep telling me there's nothing wrong with either of my cards when there clearly is!

Methinks another trip to Virgin Money's in order on Monday.

I also spoke to Laura yesterday regarding the possibility of doing a First Aid course through work, with a view to travelling down to Nottingham, she's asking if they'll pay my Train fares although it's not expensive if I have to pay myself, about £18 open return.

Right, I'm off for a coffee.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 26 Jun 2023, 16:00

So yesterday I was up around 8, got dressed in shorts and t shirt, came down and had a protein shake, and then we set off back to the Flat for the lovely Laura, she arrived between 9 and half past, after I’d had breakfast, she ran me a quick bath, and then a coffee, and we had long chats about stuff coming up such as the Buddy Holly musical next Saturday (8th of July) at the Lyceum, she was telling me that Buddy Holly was supporting Sir Elton John at Glastonbury this weekend, pardon? According to Wikipedia he’s been dead since 1959.

I fancied popping out for a bit but it was just too hot.

I did get some steps in though, even though it was just walking round the Flat, about 1000.

After lunch, she left around 14.30, and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here.

Had tea late afternoon, and then it was TKD, I was expecting to find out if I’m grading on Wednesday, I still don’t know yet? I don’t think anyone does?

Good session though, even though it was really hot, I still worked hard (just not too hard, I didn’t want to sweat cobs and kill the hearing aid) and hopefully it’ll be good news.

When we got back here after, I promptly checked my phone for a message from Mr S, nothing yet.

Although I don’t mind if it’s a no, there’s either September or the pre Christmas one.

I’m struggling to raise the 33 quid for it, I’ve got £30 but I need another 3 quid.

I was in bed just around 23.00 (quite late for me)

Moving on to today.

Was up around 8.20, came down and had a protein shake, and then went back up and had a shower, and then came back and had breakfast.

Checked the emails, nothing too important till later, I had to send and receive a ton of work and other related emails, most of which have been responded to, except from Laura as she’s on annual leave till next week, she was telling me yesterday that she’s got 7 weeks leave to take soon or she’ll lose it.

Come on holiday with me then, big 4 poster bed in a posh Hotel lol (I think she knows I *ahem* would, it just wouldn’t be apt!)

Anyway enough of that.

After lunch, we went out to drop Mum up at the Hallamshire Hospital, and then Dad went to Morrison’s, we’ve not been back long, just having coffee and a biscuit.

While we were out, I had some important emails from Jess Ward who we had the meeting with last week, she’s offered me a visit to that Bedsit on the Langsett estate on Friday at 13.00, Mum and Dad aren’t happy of course, and I know it might not be suitable but I’ve had it with the incompetent clowns of the Housing after nearly 17 years.

So the visitors will be me, Kieran and Jess.

Right, I’m off for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 28 Jun 2023, 20:37

So this morning I was up around 7.30, came down and had a protein shake, and then went back up and got dressed, and came back down and did some PC work, checking emails and that, I also had to phone Paul Hubbard to arrange the 10 AM to 15.00 call with Mercy today, no response so I sent a long email! Why is it that these pointless managers have the communication skills of a 2 year old and don’t send or reply to messages unless they want something? Especially when Laura’s on annual leave till next week and I have to do everything through Paul?

And that’s another thing, Laura said towards the end of last week that she was going to send the July rota by email by close of play last Friday, so much for that! I wouldn’t mind but she says it at the end of every month but never does it till at least 2 days after the flippin’ fact!

Talking to social services would be pointless, the currently assigned worker’s an idiot plus I don’t want to lose Choices, I’d rather not end up back with some cheapo company such as Fusco’s, they were worse than useless at the best of times.

I’ve been trying to ring various people all day, such as Michelle Smith from the Housing, and that Jess Ward from Target Housing, regarding the viewing on Friday, I initially wanted to try and get out of it, but Jess finally emailed me (after I emailed her) and told me it’s not a shared bathroom as I initially thought, the place still might not be suitable but I’ve consented to a no obligation viewing.

I’m just so over various organisations employing people who have the communication skills of a 2 year old, and they don’t reply to messages unless they want summat, and even then they’re never there when you ring up.

And apparently Paul Creaser’s on leave/sick for at least another month! Not that he ever works when he isn’t on leave! That man is a complete moron.

Anyway in better news, after a bath, I got dressed again, was tempted to wear the Batman gear but it would’ve got back here so no, my original plan was to visit the Central Library on Surrey St to look at programming books, I got my Library card out and put it in my wallet, and we went to Town, got off at Castle Square, went in Gregg’s to try and get some lunch, worst sandwich shop ever! No Cheese sandwiches?! WTF?! In the end I ended up with a Cheese and Ham Baguette, a bag of Prawn Cocktail crisps and a coffee.

After lunch, we got on a Parkgate bound Tram and went there.

Walked most of the way round the Park, went in Smyth’s, looked at toys and stuff including Lego, too expensive! Mercy nearly bought a Paddling Pool for her little girl, she says she’s 1 tomorrow bless her! They’d got one 2.4M for £30, and a slightly bigger one, 2.62M for a fiver less, she couldn’t decide which to get! Oh well, she knows where to come in future.

Then I walked across to TUI and asked about Holidays in Cornwall and the French Disneyland, she said to look online! Not much of a Holiday shop then is it? Smh.

I was originally looking for an Argos to price up an Xbox Series X, there wasn’t one, there was a Curry’s, but they’re expensive.

We went in Morrisons Cafe, and I bought a carton of chocolate milk for £1, why is it though that they make the straws that thin you can’t use ’em?!

I was also in dire need of a wee and there was no toilets.

Oh well, at least walking round the place got me to nearly 6000 steps on my Fitbit.

Walked back to the Tram stop after, we were waiting a while for the Tram, and Mercy was clock watching as she’d to be gone by 16.00 for an appointment!

In the end, we got off at Castle Square, walked down Angel St for the 31, turned out we’d just missed it and there wasn’t another one due tilll 15.20, fortunately there was a Stannington bound 81 came in, I elected to stay on that, Mercy got off near Tesco and walked back to the Flat for her car, I got off near the Oldfield Road Co Op and rang Dad, and eventually we came back here.

Had a coffee, and then later it was tea after a protein shake.

After tea, I tried on the latest new Batman suit, extra large with a VERY big cape, looks fab! Bring on the next comic con! Not while September though but that’s only about 2 and half months.

I’ll try and get some pics off the Ipad for tomorrow night’s edition.

I’ve ordered the AEW Fight Forever game on Xbox from Amazon, and it’s been dispatched to come tomorrow.

And the new Series S is coming back tomorrow from UPS according to the tracking.

Right, I’m off for a shower and a shave.

Good night.

Oh I also applied for about 3 different jobs at shops in Meadowhall, part time, one of which I’ve already been rejected for! Equality Act my arse! I did what I always do and declared my disability!

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 30 Jun 2023, 16:49

So I was up around 8.30, went for a wee, and had some breakfast (there’s no protein shake left) and just after 9, Kieran arrived as I was finishing breakfast.

I had a bath, briefly fell asleep, got out and tried to clean my teeth, couldn’t do the squeezy thing, I mean the tube of toothpaste!

Got dressed after, and did a ton of emails and phone calls about the medical priority form, Michelle actually rang back, on the landline as requested, around 10.30, apparently, there’s a massive backlog of requests for the priority forms dating back to March, typical social flippin’ services!

Anyway, after another coffee, and then later, an early lunch, we set off to have a look at this Bedsit at St Bart’s at Primrose Hill, surprisingly it was considerably bigger than I thought it’d be, I’ve still turned it down though as there’s almost NO storage space and I have a LOT of stuff, with more to come.

Following the visit, we came back to the Flat, as there was some washing to sort from this morning.

We were going to pop across to the Cafe but it was super busy, no seats so we just had a coffee at Home, and I played the new AEW game and got 2 achievements.

While we were at St Bart’s, I took a load of photos of the place on my phone (with permission of course) and sent them to Mum and Dad.

Like I said though, there’s no space for all my stuff so it’s a hard no on the property.

Looks like SYHA are stuck with me for the time being, so I have to suffer from the Creaser idiot who’s never at work! I despair!

At least I proved that I can make decisions on my own, and said no to the St Bart’s place almost as soon as we got back due to the lack of storage space for my stuff, shame though, other than that it was a nice little place, not as little as I thought it was, and I don’t think it’s physically possible to get much closer to a Tram stop.

Kieran said he’d to leave after 16.00 to take the dog to have its claws trimmed, the missus had just rung! Bloomin’ women! She knew he was working till 17.00 at mine!

Oh well, we got everything done today.

After he’d gone, eventually Dad picked me up and we came back here, via the Evri Parcelshop on Stannington Road to send a surplus Amazon parcel back, that’s gone no problems.

We also called at the Co Op for a bottle of Wine for Mum.

Got back here about half an hour ago, and as I didn’t do the grading on Wednesday, Mr S has offered a free catch up so I’m doing the 7 PM in Crookes.

And then coming back here overnight (I think)

Right, I’m off!
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 04 Jul 2023, 10:05

Annoying morning and it's only just turned 11.

Nobody will talk to me! I tried to ring social services on a personal matter, that eejit social worker's unavailable (never is), and there's no one else available to talk to! Also, no one's available from the Housing to talk to, I hate this company!

I would go and have a MAJOR fall out with Mum and Dad yesterday about the decorator coming in at theirs, I was already in a bad mood when we got back here because the Printer doesn't work and no bugger knows how to fix it.

Plus I was so angry I sent the support guy away.

And there's no one available to cover the shift! I know it's the nature of the care sector that they don't got no staff, always has been, always will be, but come the fuck on.

I also need to go shopping at Tesco, I have like a quarter of a bottle of milk that expires today, and I'm a bit wary of drinking out of date milk as it's affected me more than once.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 03 Aug 2023, 17:29

So this morning I woke up just before 6, went for a wee, and came down and put the PC on, as usual Mum was already up (she doesn’t sleep much due to bad legs) and bollocked me for getting up this early.

Anyway, I had the usual protein shake, and then did some PC work, including ordering 2 metres of black Spandex from Hobbycraft for the Bat wings suit project, in the end I emailed them via their website to cancel/get that refunded and they have done later this morning, can’t fault customer service that good, they said no refunds in the shop yesterday.

I might still go back to the shop tomorrow though and buy some more of that black fabric.

Seeing as I showered last night after class, I just had breakfast later, after getting dressed, and we left just before 8.30 as I thought the Meat Loaf cosplay was at the Flat, turns out it’s in the Studio at FlyCheese.

We arrived around 8.50, waited till 5 to 9, and I went in, sat by the Mac Mini and watched some YouTube, and had a coffee.

During the lesson, I did some editing on the audio, to sync it to the video footage, managed most of that, I just had to download some of the missing songs from YouTube, convert them to MP3 format and remove the lyrics.

All very technical.

More on the project next week when Mal’s back with the edited footage from last week when I was off ill.

I had another coffee at break, and did an order on Amazon on my phone, a black men’s bodysuit for the Bat wings project.

After break, I did some more audio editing, that’s nearly all done now, just some more next week as mentioned on the other missing footage.

I left around 11.50 after we did next week’s session plan, and we came back here via picking Mum up from Hillsborough.

And I’ve been online all afternoon after lunch.

Right, that’s it for now.

Well guess what? Those Supergirl boxsets have just sold for £29 on eBay (£24 plus £5 postage)

I’ll post them off tomorrow, Postie’s collecting tomorrow anyway.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Aug 2023, 17:00

So yesterday I was up around 6 again, came down and had a protein shake, and checked the emails, turns out I’d won another fiver on Set for life! Later on, we set off for the Flat, as I’d got Jamal coming at 9.30.

Arrived around half 8, didn’t bother with a bath, just had some breakfast, and watched some TV till he arrived.

Had tablets and a coffee, then I printed out the webpage of what I wanted from Hobbycraft and later on we set off for the Tram, got off in Town, went to get a sandwich from Gregg’s and a coffee and a bag of Prawn Cocktail crisps.

After lunch, we got on a Meadowhall bound Tram and got off at Carbrook, and went in Hobbycraft and I showed the assistant the pic of what I wanted, and I bought 1.5 metres of the black fabric.

Which we’ll add to the 1 metre I bought on Wednesday to make some big Bat wings with Mercy on Wednesday, she says she’s very good at crafting.

Then I was in dire need of a wee so we went in McDonald’s, ordered a drink and some ice cream, and then had that and went in the loo.

Then I had a quick squizz in PC World as I’m after buying Dad a proper Satnav in October, turns out there’s some cheaper ones on Amazon that have good reviews.

I’m also after a new telly at some point.

Walked back for the Tram after, got off at Castle Square, intending to get the 31 back, turns out we’d probably just missed one and the next one wasn’t due for about half an hour, so we walked back to the Tram and got one to Shalesmoor, well we got off at Netherthorpe Road and walked down through the estate, popped in Nash’s on the way back and bought some milk, as the bit I’d got in the Fridge expired today, I did have a bottle in the Fridge however it expired last Wednesday, and I’m a bit funny about using out of date milk.

Made a coffee when we got back, and there was some deliveries from Amazon on the mat, the long black gloves for the Bat costume project.

Before tea, Jamal made a protein shake, and then later after he’d gone I put 2 Pizza Baguettes on for tea.

After tea, I had a Cornetto, and watched some more telly, and then decided to pop across to Tesco for some Beers, bought 2 bottles of Guinness.

There was a homeless guy outside the shop begging for money, so I rang 101 to report him, I doubt anything will happen though.

Walked back to the Flat with my shopping, and put it in the Fridge and made a coffee.

And watched the end of Corrie, and then Harry Potter (first one) on Sky.

After that finished, I rang to say goodnight and went to bed.

Moving on to today.

I originally woke up just after 7, went for a wee and put the PC on, nothing from the Lottery or any other important messages.

So I made a protein shake, had that and crawled back in bed till just after 9.

Got up, made some breakfast, initially using the milk that expired last week, it was a bit funny though (and not in a ha ha way) so I chucked it and used fresh milk and Weetabix.

20 minutes later, Jamal arrived.

He ran a bath, and I crawled back in bed till it was ready.

Had a quick bath, as I’d got a Taxi booked from City for 11 to that Turtles animation thingy at The Light.

That arrived just after 11, and we got there about 11.15, obviously there was nothing open in the place to get some food though, so we went across to Gregg’s and I bought a Cheese and Ham Baguette, a bag of crisps and a coffee.

After lunch, we went back to The Light, I eventually found the FlyCheese thing, spent half an hour doing that, and then we went in the Boom Battle Bar and I paid a tenner for a spot of Karaoke, after 8 songs, I went to the Bar and bought an Orange J2O (no ice)

Then booked an Uber back to the Flat (which actually turned up)

When we got back, there was those wings on the mat from Etsy, they’re too small though, can’t really send ’em back though.

Fortunately we can use that black fabric to make custom ones as big as I want, not that I’d be able to fly of course (even I’m not daft enough to actually try that!)

I made another coffee, and watched some YouTube, and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here after I gathered some games/DVDs to watch this afternoon.

I might pop to Poundland tomorrow for some black string for the Bat wings project.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 06 Aug 2023, 17:15

So this morning I was up just before 7, came down and had a protein shake, and then checked the emails, nothing from the Lottery or anything else important.

So I went back up and got dressed.

And later on we set off back to the Flat, on arrival I had some breakfast, tablets and a coffee, and watched some TV, Jamal arrived around 9.20, I got some stuff ready after 10 AM and we set off for a trip to Hobbycraft via O2 in Town.

The O2 shop didn't open till 11 and we were in Town by half 10, so we just waited around Orchard Square for a bit, went in O2 just after 11 and enquired about technical issues with my phone, typically the guy was about as much use as a cardboard teapot! I wouldn't mind but I'm paying a LOT of money for my phone at the moment and the contract, so I expect better service than this!

I might just contact O2 on live chat tomorrow, I know they won't do owt and will just tell me to go to the shop, I just did this morning.

Anyway, we jumped back on a Parkgate bound Tram at the Cathedral and got off at Carbrook, by this point I was in dire need of a wee, so we went in Pizza Hut and had an early lunch, and used their loo.

After lunch, we went in Hobbycraft, armed with 2 printouts of what I was looking for, I came prepared, very Blue Peter lol, that cost me about £8 for 2 items, plus a bag and a small Charity donation of 50p.

I was tempted to pop in PC World and price up a new telly, but we did that last week, I also need to speak to Dad before I spend on a grand project like a new telly.

Anyway we just walked back to the Tram stop, and got on a Shalesmoor bound Tram, got off at Netherthorpe Road and walked down through the estate like we usually do for the extra steps on my Fitbit.

Went for a wee when we got back, and put the PC on, and asked Jamal to make a coffee.

I could do with going shopping this week for a few bits like Cereal and milk and frozen Pizza, I'll get Mum to shop for me.

TKD in a bit, it's at 7 both nights all month apparently, which suits Dad and I really, particularly on Wednesdays, as it means I can come back and watch Corrie, have a shower and be in bed by 21.30.

Hospital tomorrow to try and sort the hearing aid out, although I doubt much if anything will change, it's not the first time we've reported the fact the aid keeps coming apart when I put it in and probably won't be the last, if I was rich by Bank balance as well as name, I'd have gone private years ago.

I know if it was up to the government, everyone would go private anyway even if they can't afford it (and most people can't)

And finally, for another project, I've bought 4 sets of red feathers from the Hobbycraft website, only £3 each, to collect this week.

Right, tra for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Aug 2023, 21:06

So yesterday I was up around 9.30, came down and had some protein shake and did the emails, and then went up for a shower and a shave.

Got dressed after, and came down and did some more PC work.

Watched The Bill later, and then it was lunch time, sandwiches and a coffee.

Later on we went up to the Hospital for the hearing aid related appointment, that went considerably better than I thought it would, and up to now the hearing aid hasn't come apart (yet) although I couldn't put the right ear aid in this morning, lack of practice.

After all that, I rang Dad at the Flat, and he came to pick us up, and we came back to the Flat, and had a coffee, and I did some PC work.

I elected to stay behind to save Dad having to bring me back later.

Later on, I did Fish fingers and chips for tea, followed by the last Cornetto.

I would've popped across to Tesco after tea for a quick walk, to get my steps up, but Mum doesn't like me going out alone after tea, even just to Tesco and back.

I just found those Library books in the Office, that were due back today.

At 20.00 I watched Corrie, quite a sad episode last night, could be the end of an era if the Rover's ends up having to shut, but it's the way of the world, since the Pandemic a LOT of pubs have gone under.

At least it featured arguably the sexiest woman in Manchester, Jodie "Glenda" Prenger, she's been in it a lot more recently, and she's gorgeous.

Around 21.00 I tried to ring Home to say goodnight, Mum was on the phone to our Pete, as usual, in the end I rang Dad on his mobile (and he actually answered!), and asked to speak to Mum to say night night.

And went to bed after having my night time tablets.

Moving on to today.

I woke up just after 7 for a wee, went to the loo, and then just crawled back in bed till around 9.30.

Jamal had already arrived, so I had the last of the protein shake, and then a quick bath, and breakfast.

Got dressed, and watched some TV and had another coffee, and got some stuff ready to sell at CEX, and also my Library books due back today.

And late morning we set off for Town, went in Sarni's for some lunch, and to use the bog, and then went in CEX and sold about £11 worth of stuff.

And then walked to the Crucible and enquired about a couple of shows, too short notice for Laura, to change the shift to attend Miss Saigon next week.

So we went in the Central Library, and I returned one of the books and renewed the other one.

And then we went to the Odeon to see the new Turtles movie, original plan was another trip to Hobbycraft but I can do that next week or even this Friday.

I also rang and spoke to Tony as I'd got it in my head that his birthday's next week, the 17th, turns out it's the 30th! However, I have training for work that morning so I wouldn't have been able to ask him to come down on the day.

He says he'll come before then though so I don't have to post the card I bought last week, 50p from Tesco, and it'd cost me a quid for a 1st Class stamp.

Anyway, before the film, I booked a Taxi for 17.15 with Excel (I wasn't paying double fares to Uber after 17.00).

Good movie, that finished around 17.05 after the post credits scenes, I rang Excel to get the Taxi to come quicker and it did.

I'm sure some guys don't listen though! I specifically told the Taxi bloke NOT to follow the Satnav to the top part of my road, what does he do? Exact flippin' opposite! Muppet!

When we got back, I made a coffee, and did some PC work, and tried to ring here to get Dad to come for me, no answer! Turns out they'd gone to Kilner Way Retail Park to Dunelm and Home Bargains!

When Dad eventually arrived, I was in the process of putting my own tea on, so I boxed the Pizza back up, and put it back in the Freezer, and we came back here.

Eventually we all had Pizza for tea.

Now I'm doing this and will hit the sack soon.

Tomorrow's another day.

I did have a booking to see the original Snow White and the 7 vertically challenged Miners (Dwarves isn't PC apparently, it was 1937 for Christ sake! Where was the inane Wokery in those days?! Same with that live action remake that's out next year, they changed the "Dwarves" to dancers! PC gone mad!) but I might not bother, Mercy and I have some crafting work to do.

Right, I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 09 Aug 2023, 20:31

So this morning I was up around 6.30, woke up, went for a wee, and came down for a protein shake, and then went back up and had a shower, this was after the total fail that was the Hospital appointment on Monday, as the hearing aid came apart again! Eh? I thought they’d sorted all that? Clearly not.

I asked Dad if it was possible to have a bath at the Flat, he said no because the hearing aid would come apart and the support worker wouldn’t be able to mend it, I said “‘Way it’ll come apart either way” and of course I was right, it did straight after I tried to put it back in after the shower! Smfh.

Fortunately Mum fixed it.

WHY am I always right when I predict this kind of thing though? I wish I was that good at predicting the winning flippin’ Lottery numbers.

I wouldn’t mind but I knew it’d happen after the appointment on Monday.

Anyway, we set off for the Flat, initially I was wearing shorts as Mum didn’t have any clean joggers for me, I got changed before we went out later, tried Jeans, they kept falling down so I put joggers on.

After breakfast, and then a coffee, and tablets, it got to 9.30, no Mercy, so I tried to ring Laura, no response, got to about 9.50 and I was about to give up and call Dad, and she arrived.

I sarcastically said “good evening”, and made another coffee, and asked her about helping to do some craft work.

Turns out we need some needle and thread, Mum says she’s got some, saves me buying some.

Not that I can do it myself, we had arguably the most pointless lesson in school, Fabrics, the teacher hated me as I can’t sew due to dexterity issues! And the school knew that so why I wasn’t exempt from the lesson?! Smh.

Anyway, after lunch, we set off for Town, and I went in Cavell’s and ordered a coffee, and then we went and got on a Parkgate bound Tram, got off at Carbrook and went back in Hobbycraft to pick up an online order I placed on Sunday, 4 packs of red feathers for a Hawk wings project.

After we’d been in there, we called in PC World as I wanted to look at TVs, and Mercy wanted to look for a dryer, not a washer/dryer, just a dryer, and she bought a case for her Laptop.

TVs are expensive though, the cheapest they had was £450 and even that was a bit big for the Lounge at the Flat.

I’ll try Argos, they tend to be cheaper.

I do of course need to have a chat with Dad about it first though.

Then we got back on a Middlewood bound Tram (they’re running to Hillsborough now, as of the end of last week), got off at Tesco and went in for a wee, and to get this week’s TV Choice.

And then we walked back to the Flat.

I put the PC on to check messages, nothing too important.

Mercy left around 17.30, even though she didn’t come till 9.50, she was still scheduled to finish at 17.30, I will of course inform Laura on Sunday that they owe me half an hour.

And eventually Dad picked me up and we came back here, had a quick tea and went to TKD.

Mr S is back this week, another hour of hard work, I was sweating cobs by the end, but I need the exercise.

Some event happening on the 2nd of September, I emailed Laura when we got back to book the day off, I’ll mention it on Sunday and she’ll still have more than the required 2 weeks notice.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 10 Aug 2023, 17:30

Turns out that event on the 2nd is the Scottish TKD Championships, as much as I'd like to attend, there's no way Dad would be able to drive up to Edinburgh.

Fortunately Laura never cancels shifts when I tell her, even with loads of notice, so I don't have to reinstate it.

Busy morning today, lots of work done on the Meat Loaf tribute project, and also me doing some Skull animations in Flipaclip, I hate drawing on an Ipad though, even with a Stylus pen, my fingers are too fat to do it accurately, Dad has the same problem.

Big plan to work on my costume for next month if Mercy comes again between now and the beginning of next month, I have all the supplies, they love me down at Hobbycraft as I've been about 3 times since last week buying stuff, and it's not THAT expensive.

Unfortunately that Halloween do at the Victoria Quays Hotel on the 28th of October got cancelled, I know there's an event in Corporation that weekend but there ain't no way I'm going clubbing on a Saturday night, nor would Dad let me despite me being late 40s.

In other news, I've downloaded a new puzzle game on Xbox this afternoon, stuck on level 12 but I did manage to get some achievements for getting that far.

I took a call on the mobile last Friday from some Foreign woman, I was on the Tram so I asked her to ring me back on the landline after 16.00! Is it just me or do some people NOT understand most UK regional dialects? Particularly broad Yorkshire? I wouldn't mind but back in the early 80s I actually HAD speech therapy as I couldn't pronounce my Ss.

More project work next week at FlyCheese, to finish the Meat Loaf tribute and then decide on the next idea, I've emailed Wallace a list of ideas, most of which will probably be rejected.

Cinema tomorrow to see Gran Tourismo, based on the driving games on the PS1 years ago.

Another trip to Hobbycraft on Saturday possibly for some more red or black fabric, probably one of each, it's only about £3 each per metre.

Right, tea imminent so I'm off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 12 Aug 2023, 16:19

So yesterday I was up just after 9, went and made a protein shake, and later, had a bath, and got dressed and cleaned teeth.

I did have an agenda to pop to Meadowhall but I had no money, well I did have £20 cash and some change, but I needed to spend that round at Tesco… I would go and spend £25 on a voucher from Hobbycraft in the morning from the work rewards thingy.

And even then I had to put stuff back at Tesco because my shopping, what I could get, came to just under £20.

I bought a £1 scratch card, on which I won my Pound back, and reinvested it towards a Euromillions ticket.

I seriously think I need to stop buying Lottery tickets, I almost never win anything and when I do it’s only the price of my ticket back.

Although it’s £60 for 3 numbers tonight due to the £11M Jackpot, which MUST be won! Not that I hold much hope of winning.

When we got back, Mercy helped me to do some crafting work, she made me a red Superman cape using the red fabric I bought from Hobbycraft last week, ideally I wanted her to try and do the red Hawk wings project I found with the red feathers, maybe next time if she comes again.

I might even ask Laura to help with that tomorrow.

I managed to cash in some reward points from Xbox to get a free game, plus 81p towards another game.

Both of which I’ve completed the first few levels on.

Crazy Rabbit Adventure and Fruit Adventure.

Similar style platform games.

I had BBQ Beef Noodles and fish fingers for tea, followed by a Cornetto.

And watched Corrie, and was in bed just after 9 as I was tired.

Moving on to today.

I was up around 9.30, Mercy had been there about 10 minutes, I had a protein shake and a bath, but we had a MAJOR problem with the hearing aid! Again! I wouldn’t mind but I knew it’d happen after the total waste of time that was the appointment up at the Hospital on Monday.

There’s another appointment coming up but not till the 24th which is a week next Thursday at 9 AM, I could’ve done without it being on a Thursday, as I had to email Wallace and tell her I wouldn’t be in class that day! I wouldn’t mind but on Monday I specifically said “any day EXCEPT Thursday for the follow up appointment”, what do they do? Book it first thing on a Thursday morning! I officially give up!

After the bath, we had a problem putting BOTH hearing aids back together, I told Mercy to phone Mum on the landline, as this is an ongoing problem that is IMO unlikely to ever be resolved.

I had another coffee, and then watched a ton of TV, and eventually went back to bed as I was tired after a busy week.

Got up around 13.00, watched the end of ET on Sky, including that bit which gets me every time, where he “dies” towards the end.

And had Pizza and fish fingers for lunch, and a coffee.

Mercy left around 14.20, and I rang here and asked for Dad to come and get me, which he eventually did.

I’ve been gaming all afternoon, and got some achievements for clearing more levels on those games from yesterday, particularly the Crazy Rabbit one.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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