The world of well, me basically!

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 10 Sep 2023, 16:27

So this morning I was up around 6.15, well it was so hot last night I couldn’t sleep! And I usually literally sleep like a rock.

Came down and had a protein shake, and then went back up and had a shower, and then had some breakfast.

Then we set off for the Flat, arrived around 9.15, had a coffee, and then at 9.30, Laura arrived and I had another coffee.

And then we had a rather long chat about various stuff that’s gone wrong of late, such as the Jamal issues, predictably nothing will happen, except I’ve requested they don’t send him to any more big events such as comic cons, not even the one in Town on Saturday! She says she’s asked Benjamin to attend but he hasn’t confirmed yay or nay yet, like I said in last night’s edition, I’ve got Dad on standby to attend in case they let me down, as I can’t not go, but that’s beside the damn point! They get paid to do weekend stuff, and despite me giving her considerably more than the required 2 weeks notice of not sending HIM, they might not be able to cover it, and the whole reason they come is so I don’t have to rely on Mum and particularly Dad, as much.

In fact part of our conversation was eventually getting more hours so staff can do more with me including personal stuff, although I did tell her that I’d rather pack TKD in than travel there on public transport or spend a small fortune in Taxi fares, particularly on a Sunday, she says they’re in the process of employing drivers, but even then they’d have to have Business insurance to have me in their vehicle, plus to go any distance, it’d cost me about 40p a mile, so from the Flat to Forge Valley and back, is about a £3.20 round trip I think.

Plus she thinks if I do get a driver, I’ll stop using public transport altogether, no chance! 1) I can’t afford to pay 40p a mile to go everywhere 2) I need my independence 3) I’d have to pay for parking because the Clowncil won’t let me have a blue badge because I personally don’t drive and it’s unlikely I ever will.

She says she’ll have a word with Jamal about using his phone all the time, even when he’s running a bath, I sympathise that he’s new, and is still learning on the job and thus, makes mistakes, and I do try to be forgiving, but there’s only so much I can forgive.

And it’s not just him, she’s put a ban on ALL staff using their phones at work unless it’s essential, and even then they need to ask me.

I’m just sure the likes of Kieran will cry about it, but needs must.

In other news, Mr S says the deadline to pay for entries to the comp in Nottingham next Sunday’s tomorrow, as much as I’d like to attend, I don’t have the funds, plus logistically it’d be a nightmare to get there as Dad can’t drive to Nottingham so I’d have to pay for an open return Train.

I told him we wouldn’t be attending, he told me off for telling him!

And he’ll probably block me on WhatsApp.

I wouldn’t mind but I know not to message him unless it’s a dire emergency, he’s told me loads of times.

Oh well, at least now I have the 2 headbands, I might be able to do the sparring tonight.

Anyway, Laura left around 14.20, and eventually, Dad arrived and we came back here.

Mum’s just making a coffee.

That’s all for now.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 13 Sep 2023, 20:52

o this morning I was up around 6.30, went for a wee, and did some PC work, nothing from the Lottery, so around 7.30 I did a protein shake, and watched Kenan and Kel, and later, made some breakfast and a coffee.

Just before 9, Kieran arrived, I’d already got dressed as I’d got my training at half 9.

All I’m allowed to say is that went really good, and there’s a 5 hour training on Zoom on the 2nd of October, which I’m looking forward to, but not just because I’ll get paid for it.

After all that, I made a coffee, and watched Kieran playing Starfield and getting some achievements for me.

Pretty cool game so far.

And then I had to make some calls, I needed to speak to that Andy Frost following the call last week re the review meeting next week, although annoyingly he said “next week” last week, which was obviously gunna be “this” week! He says he needs to speak to Laura to confirm her availability any day except Thursday next week.

And then he’ll let me know, hopefully tomorrow, so I can get Mum and Dad to check their diaries.

Kieran left around 14.00, and eventually Dad arrived, and I came back here.

Did some Xbox work, and PC work, and then later on, had a coffee.

After tea, I did some more posts on AL and X (fka Twitter), and then got ready and we went to TKD, got back half an hour ago from a really good session, although annoyingly, despite my special effort to take the sparring gear again, we didn’t use it, due to 2 new starters in class.

Plus it’s grading season! I wouldn’t mind but Mr S made a special point of telling me to bring the stuff last week, as sparring is part of grading from blue stripe and beyond.

Oh well, maybe on Sunday if he gets back from the North Midlands Championships in Nottingham early enough.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 15 Sep 2023, 21:00

o this morning I was up around 6.45, came down and put the PC on, listened to some songs on YouTube, just low enough to hear it as everyone else was still asleep, eventually Dad got up, and made a protein shake, I asked for a shave, and had one, and then got dressed and came down, Mum eventually got up, she’d got up while Dad and I were in the bathroom doing facial cleansing.

Around 8.45, we set off for the Flat, armed with my phone, and what I thought was the full charger plug, sans the USB lead apparently! Fortunately Mercy found one before we went out, so I charged my phone enough to use it while we were out.

After breakfast, I had a quick bath, and then I had various agendas, to pop to Upperthorpe PO and send off the Amazon package with the printer carts from Amazon, they’ve gone no problem, however, the Fitbit watch was to go back via FedEx, and according to my Googling on my phone, the nearest FedEx place is down Attercliffe, on Surbiton St so I had to book an Uber to get there (£10 fare? Eh?! If I’d known it was next door to Valley Centertainment I’d have got a Tram)

When we got there and found the place, I explained what I needed, I’d already bought an envelope for the watch from the PO big enough for it, and she said it needed a box! I was like, eh?! I wouldn’t mind but I checked the FedEx website before spending a tenner to get there and it said nothing about this!

Anyway, I was about to blow my stack, and she said she’d found a box for it and would send it.

Why not tell me that in the flipping first place?!

Also, because I was getting rather angry, Mercy’s on the phone to Laura, and threatening to report me to her and Paul Hubbard, I freely admit I have NO patience, but the events of this morning would annoy the flippin' Pope!

2 seconds later I get a call from Laura, she says she’d make enquiries about getting FedEx to collect the Parcel from the Flat next week, I protested and said we’d still have the same problem, no box, plus it needed go ASAP.

Fortunately they found a box for it and hopefully it’s now gone, to be sorted in the next 5 to 10 working days so hopefully by the end of next week or the following week.

After all that, we walked to the Tram stop behind Cineworld, and came back to Town, as next on my list was to get some lunch, and pop to the Central Library to return 2 books and try and get a Ballroom dancing tutorial DVD, both of which I managed, plus renting a programming book for 3 weeks.

I looked for the DVD myself, where she said it’d be, on the shelf right at the back, but I didn’t find it, she did though thankfully, and it was free for 3 weeks.

After all that, we came back for the Tram, via the paper shop on Arundel Gate to get this week’s TV Choice (Neighbours is back next week, on Amazon Freevee) and a chocolate bar.

Lots of walking, but obviously due to the broken watch which I’ve sent back, none of it was registered! I wouldn’t mind but this arguably my fourth Fitbit in less than a year, as it’s not that long since I had to send the first one back as faulty, which I bought from Argos with the Christmas bonus from work last year, and then I upgraded to a Versa 4 via O2 Rewards a couple of months back, and I sold the replacement to the original Inspire 3 on eBay, which I now regret.

I never had all the faffery with FedEx to send the first one back though.

At least the customer service people were mostly good about it.

Well the second one was, first one was annoyingly incompetent.

Award winning, my arse!

We came back, via Tesco as I was in dire need of a wee, and also to purchase a pack of batteries for the camera for tomorrow, I was just about to head to the till with an £8 pack of AA Duracells when Mercy told me there were several batteries in the drawer at the Flat! I wouldn’t mind but she knew my agenda, why not tell me before I picked them up?!

At least she bought Mince meat for tea.

I was tempted to have a go on the £47M Lottery but Dad says I spend too much on the Lottery as it is, especially when I almost never win anything.

So we just walked back to the Flat, had a coffee, and sorted my costume out for tomorrow.

And the camera.

Then later I had tea, Chicken Kiev and chips followed by some ice cream, and tablets.

I’ve been on the PC all night, planning my talent contest entries for tomorrow, a choice of 2 old Scottish songs, Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond or the Skye Boat song, I’ve printed out lyrics for both, and converted MP3s off YouTube and removed the lyrics (not strictly legal under various copyright laws but nobody’ll know)

Right, I’m off to phone to say good night and have my tablets.

Need to be up relatively early tomorrow to be at the St Paul’s in Town by 10.30.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 16 Sep 2023, 20:58

So I was up around 8.45, made breakfast (there’s no protein shake powder left) and had tablets.

Mercy arrived around 9.37 (I was just about to pick up the phone to inform Laura she was late, and she arrived)

No bath, as I’d already booked a Taxi for 10 AM to the St Paul’s in Town, so off we went, in costume, fare cost £5, although the idiot Taxi bloke thought I wanted to go to Poundland! I said St Paul’s! Clown! Fortunately he still went there and only charged me a fiver.

I know from old that some of the “posher” venues such as the St Paul’s tend to be expensive for food and drink so I took plenty of money.

When we arrived, we walked downstairs to where most of the good stuff was, signed up for the masquerade at 17.00, Mercy wasn’t happy about staying that long, even though I’d booked a Taxi for 17.30 to come back, therefore I couldn’t stick around for the result of the cosplay masquerade (I wouldn’t have won but that’s beside the sodding point, it was on the sheet that the shift was till 18.30 so in theory we could’ve stayed at least another half an hour) I did get a few cheers though..

I managed to get some good photos and videos of singing and dancing, they told me the all ages talent contest’s at 11 tomorrow, they didn’t tell me if that’s 11 AM or 23.00 though? And I’d rather not take Jamal to a comic con, even though it’s only in Town, even Mercy wandered off on me twice today.

And don’t even get me started on an annoying language barrier between her and I, she’s African, I speak English in broad Yorkshire, she doesn’t always hear/understand me! I freely admit I have NO patience but come on, having to repeat oneself 3 times to be understood would annoy anyone.

Plus every time I even slightly raised my voice, due to a lot of background noise, she was on the mobile to Laura complaining about me! I officially give up, at this rate there’ll only be Laura and Kieran I can work with.

Don’t get me wrong I am NOT racist, one of the Chief reasons I voted remain for Brexit was because I categorically DO NOT hate immigrants, legal or otherwise.

And when Mercy complains about me to Laura, 2 seconds later I get a call from Laura herself, telling me off and to be more patient, she knows I was absent when they were handing patience out.

It was the same in the FedEx place yesterday, although that was largely their fault.

Other than that, it was a good day.

And I tried something I wouldn’t normally drink, Baileys with chocolate, and enjoyed it, although for what unGodly reason do they insist on putting ice in EVERY drink?! Even when you expressly tell ’em “NO ICE!” like when I bought an Orange J2O at lunch time with my Ploughman’s Lunch and a bag of crisps.

When we got back, I was in dire need of a wee, so I quickly changed out of my costume, went in the bathroom, and then Mercy made me a coffee, I apologised profusely for being a bit short with her (which was partly her fault to begin with) and thanked her for coming.

And then I rang Home to ask if it was possible to come back for the night, Mum said they were doing tea, and it’d be a bit later, anyway Dad arrived around 19.30, just before it went dark, and we got back just as it went dark.

I had some Spaghetti Hoops and Sausage for tea, and a chocolate Mousse and tablets and a coffee.

Now I’m doing this.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 30 Sep 2023, 10:08

So after pretty much the week from hell, including losing my job for something that wasn't directly my fault, I've finally lost it with Choice Support UK! I can't do this any more, I have not got the patience! Fortunately we finally have the review meeting with the social worker next week, things will be said! Mum and Dad won't like most of it but I have no choice, too much's gone wrong of late.

Like the guy who should've come this morning, just over an hour ago, apparently his Mum's been taken seriously ill and is in Hospital! I sympathise but it's not good that they can't cover at short notice, this is why I objected to weekend care when it was first set up, I knew it'd keep happening that they can't cover the calls.

Because his Mum's ill, it's unlikely he'll come tomorrow either, Laura says they'll cover the call but I don't see how? I don't want Agency staff, the first and last time I did, it was an unmitigated disaster! And I predicted it would be, and Council carers are worse than useless most of the time.

And they wonder why the government are on about putting ALL disabled people in residential care due to a recruitment crisis in the care sector?! I've had support workers since 2001, and I used to regularly see and hear staff in the Office with copious amounts of coffee moaning about how they'd got no staff! The fact they were so short staffed was bad enough in itself, but to publicly moan about it in front of service users is not on and I reported them for it!

There were other problems with this company as well but I can't go into that.

What gets me though, is the reason I have support workers in the first place, is to free Mum and Dad up from having to look after me all the time, let's face it, Dad will be 75 3 weeks on Tuesday, Mum's 74, I'm 47 and have my own health and other problems and worries about them, Mum in particular due to her own health issues.

The Council just keeps telling me that at 47 I'm too young for full time residential care.

Plus I've seen the Homes, the staff are so overworked/underpaid they just leave the ones who aren't bedridden, to vegetate in front of the telly and don't interact or book day trips and stuff.

HELP! I can't do this any more! Like I said, stuff will be said at the review next week, and it ain't going to be pretty!

Well I've been watching various stuff on streaming sites all day, and gaming, I've just cleared 6 out of 8 levels on Cyber Shockman 2 for most of the achievements.

I've just had a message off Laura, he's coming tomorrow so hopefully his Mum's on the mend.
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 07 Oct 2023, 16:53

So yesterday I was up around 7.45, Dad had to wake me up because I was fast asleep in arguably the best night’s sleep I’ve had all week due to being stressed to the max!

I was offered a shower but I declined due to the issue with my left arm, so I just had a protein shake, got dressed, and we set off for the Flat.

Arrived around 8.30, had breakfast, and watched some TV and then Mercy arrived just before 10 (although to be fair she did let me know she was running late) with Gladys in tow, shadowing.

After breakfast, I had a coffee and then just went back to bed till lunch time.

By the time I got up, Gladys had gone.

So I just had lunch, and then I got some cash together and we set off across to Tesco to get some milk and a few other bits of shopping.

Because Mercy wanted some shopping as well.

I also confirmed with Laura for the extra hour and half till 16.00 tomorrow for the Taekwondo demo in Crookes.

She has the required 2 weeks notice for that.

Same with going to Out of this World on the 22nd, although I’d rather they didn’t send Jamal for that even though it’s only Town due to his tendency to wander off, however Laura won’t do anything because there’s nobody else available to do weekend shifts!

This is getting annoying, although I don’t wanna get rid of Choices, knowing the Council they’d put me with some cheapo worse than useless company such as Fusco’s, and no, I’m not doing it.

It’ll be 6 years next week since they started, and things are already starting to go wrong IMO, most of which isn’t directly my fault.

Anyway, after shopping, we came back, had a coffee, and I did some PC and Xbox work, got some achievements and downloaded some more games.

And then later, I had another Pizza for tea.

And watched TOTP and then at 21.00 I tried the usual ringing Home drama, engaged all night and the message box was full.

I eventually did get through, and said good night and went to bed.

This morning I was up around 8.30, as I had various agendas, including collecting a new landline phone handset from Argos in Sainsburys on the High St, bought and paid for last night, and also to try and sell a ton of games in CEX again! Is it just me or is that company staffed by complete incompetent idiots who don’t know what they’re doing?

I tried to sell several games including 2 copies of No Place Like Home on Xbox, they don’t have the Xbox version on their system, just the Switch version so they wouldn’t take it, and got quite arsy with me, naturally I told the assistant to P off and stormed out of the shop in a mood.

Especially after she was like “You don’t talk to me like that!”, I was like “You’re lucky that’s all I said dear!”

Suffice to say, CEX can kiss my rather large arse and I’ll sell retro games on eBay in future.

My original agenda was to pop to GAME on the Moor to sell the games, but I knew there was a match at Hillsborough and I didn’t fancy being on a Hillsborough bound Tram after 13.30, I also wanted to pop to Hobbycraft to spend a £5 voucher, I’ll do that next week.

So we just came back on a Malin Bridge bound Tram, and had lunch and another coffee, and I did some gaming and got 2 100 point achievements on Tricky Thief, and I’m still top of this month’s charts on 550 points so far with another 3 and half weeks left of the month.

Jamal left around 14.20, and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here via picking Mum up from Home Bargains.

I’ve been downloading some more Xbox stuff, and doing PC work, now I’m doing this.

Taekwondo demo in Crookes tomorrow lunch time, and then the normal class at night.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 08 Oct 2023, 21:00

Taekwondo demo in Crookes today, not that we did much, we were only on for 10 minutes if that.

Just got back 40 minutes ago from the usual class, they asked us to put the sparring gear on last thing, waste of time! It takes me so long to get all the gear on that by the time I was putting the foot guards on, everyone else was taking theirs off.

I need to practice putting it on so I can do it faster.

But all the stuff's at Mum and Dad's as I don't really have the space at the Flat, and as per orders from social services last week, staff will be taking me to class twice a week instead of Dad, which I am not happy about as I'm concerned about the logistics of getting there and back, particularly on a Sunday when the Buses aren't as frequent because I know not to book Ubers due to the double fares.

Things will be said if I get chance to have a chat with Laura this week.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 10 Oct 2023, 20:11

So this morning I was up around 7.45, came down and had a protein shake, and then went back up and got dressed, and we set off for the Flat.

Arrived around half 8, had warmed up Weetabix with milk for breakfast, and tablets and a coffee.

Got to around 9.35, no Jamal so I’m on to Laura, she said she’d sent a message saying he was running late, but my phone was on charge at the time! I wouldn’t mind but he runs late nearly every time, if he was coming on public transport I could understand it but apparently his Parents bring him.

He and Gladys arrived 10 minutes later just as I was doing some PC work.

Anyway I had another coffee, got some money ready, and a bag of games, and a printout from Hobbycraft for a £5 voucher (which I’ll spend tomorrow), and we set off for a Meadowhall bound Tram.

The trip there was fine, we walked to the main Centre, the door of the Interchange wouldn’t open so we had to walk round, through another door and then up the steps, through the Tunnel.

Anyway, I went in the paper shop, bought a TV Choice and a Wispa, and then we went to GAME and sold a ton of games (they still won’t take both copies of No Place Like Home! I’m like “Not you an’ all!”) however, I got £37.99 trade in on all the other stuff, and paid the last £17 on my card for Mortal Kombat 1.

Next on the list was to pop in Argos and try and get a new watch, which I managed, just a very cheap (£10) men’s digital watch.

This was after getting lunch in Subway, a footlong Cheese Sub, bag of crisps and a coffee, £8.51 for all though, eh?! At least I got some points on my Subcard, first time I’ve used it for ages so I hope it’s still valid.

After lunch and Argos, I went in Smith’s to buy some Lottery tickets and check some from last week, I checked last Saturday’s online and it said it was good for a free lucky dip, but in Smith’s the computer said no.

On the way back I called in Waterstone’s and bought a 2024 Calendar, and then we got lost walking through M&S to get back to the Tram Station! I hate walking through that shop, we get lost every time but it’s the main thoroughfare to the Tram terminus.

Anyway we eventually made it, fortunately there was a Tram in, so we came Home.

Made a coffee, installed Mortal Kombat 1 (88 Gig, 2 discs, and then when I’d installed both discs it needed ANOTHER 80 odd Gig update to be playable! Eh?!)

Just after we got back, Gladys left.

We had the problem coming back, my pass is only valid for +1 and there were 2 staff! So Gladys had to pay her own fare, retain her ticket so she can claim it back on expenses via Laura! I wouldn’t mind but Laura knows I only have +1 and don’t always have the funds to pay a return Tram fare, but they keep sending me newbies to shadow with the regulars.

Later on, I made a non lumpy Protein shake, and had that, and eventually Dad picked me up to come back here.

We’ve just all had Pizza for tea.

And now I’m doing this.

Been watching 80s cartoon intros on YouTube, classic stuff, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Silverhawks, He Man, Thundercats…

Oh and also this afternoon, I rang Sky up when we got back to try and save some money, on the contrary I ended up having to increase my package to £145.50 a month to add TNT Sports back for WWE, because some idiot took it off when I rang up circa the end of last week.

Right, I’m off for now.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 11 Oct 2023, 21:25

o this morning I was up just after 7, came down and eventually had a protein shake, and then went back up and had a shower.

Got dressed and came back and had breakfast, just as I was getting dressed, Mum got up.

And then the bloke who’s doing the floor in the downstairs Loo came so I went in the Lounge and watched Hi De Hi.

And then at 11 ish we set off to pick Linda up to all go to Carol’s for Chiropody, I went first, as I was clock watching to get back for Kieran despite telling Laura yesterday to tell him don’t come till at least 11.45.

He was there when we got bac, followed by Gladys.

After lunch, I had a haircut from him, and then a short bath to wash my hair, and then he said I needed some cheese and Ham, so we went across to Tesco, armed with a bit of cash and my Clubcard.

Is it just me or does Tesco seriously need to hire more Checkout staff? There were like 15 customers in the shop including me, and there was 1 Checkout open, I hate using self service machines! We ended up using one as we’d only got a few bits, and even then we had to flag down a human because the bloody Till roll got stuck printing the receipt out.

I officially give up!

I also bought a scratch card, no good but I did win £2 on one last week.

Walked back Home after, made a coffee, and tried on the sparring gear, took a photo of it, managed to get it all on in 5 minutes including the mouth guard.

And then the Transformers DVD boxset I ordered on Amazon last night arrived, Region 2 so it works on the Xbox, I watched the first couple of episodes, pretty cool.

And then just after 16.00 I had another protein shake.

Kieran left around 16.45, and eventually Dad arrived and we came back here.

Had tea around 18.00, and then went to TKD.

Good lesson, and I actually managed to get some sparring in, good job I practiced putting the stuff on then, not without a rollicking from Mr S, I didn’t quite get everything on right, namely the shoes, and was ordered to go out and do it right, I protested and said Dad couldn’t help, Mr S said he’s shown both of us, especially me, how to do it.

Dad wasn’t amused.

Right, I’m just doing this.

Before tea I managed to get some achievements on a new game I downloaded, and I’m still winning on 1460 points so far this month with some more to come.

The game was Pocket Witch.

Now I’m off.

FlyCheese tomorrow, fortunately no Hospital tomorrow as far as I know, just another trip to the Bank to pay off a debt.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 13 Oct 2023, 20:57

So this morning I was up just before 8, after the stresses of yesterday I slept like a rock and then got dressed and came down, had a protein shake, and then we set off for the Flat.

Arrived just after 9, waited for Mercy, she didn’t arrive till just before Dad left, around 9.50, but to be fair she did let me know she’d left her phone at her Dad’s and had to go back for it hence being late.

Anyway, I had a quick bath before she came so I just had breakfast, watched some telly, and then I had an agenda to visit Hobbycraft to pick up some Faux Fur I ordered on Tuesday for click and collect.

So we set off for the Tram, just missed a Meadowhall one so we got off in Town off a Halfway bound one, went in Sarni’s for a sandwich and a bag of crisps and a coffee, and because I have the same thing every time, the lady knew what I’d ask for! Am I that predictable?!

Only thing was, by this time I was in dire need of a wee, and the toilet in Sarni’s is right upstairs.

Fortunately, when we got to Carbook Retail Park off the Tram, there’s a Loo in The Range so I went in there.

And then we went in Hobbycraft, armed with 2 £5 vouchers, and my printout for what I’d ordered, I collected that, and looked for some more black fabric for the Bat costume project, couldn’t find it.

Anyway, Mercy wanted some stuff for her youngster, so she used the voucher! Bloomin’ cheek! She uses MY voucher! LOL!

And then after, we went in Cancer Research UK Charity shop as she wanted to buy some Baby clothes, and some toys, and she did, I asked about a voluntary job and they said to apply online, which I did when we got back.

Then we went in Curry’s, Mercy was after a Humidifier and a Washer/Dryer, and at some point, I’m after a new TV, I just need to discuss it with Dad.

And then in Town, I checked this Wednesday’s Lottery ticket and it was good for a free lucky dip so I cashed it in for tomorrow night.

On the way back, Mercy wanted do some Baby clothes shopping in Tesco, she saw a few bits she wanted last week, so we popped in, she bought a load of stuff, and I went to the customer service desk and bought a Lottery for tonight.

We did end up losing each other in the shop though, I looked and couldn’t find her so I just walked back to the Flat! I was about to email Laura and Mercy arrived.

We made a coffee, had a Toffee Crisp bar, and watched some telly, did some Xbox.

And then later I had another protein shake, and rang Home to see if I could come back, and I decided to stay here.

I spent the rest of the night after tea, Xboxing, playing Mortal Kombat 1 for some achievements.

And then watched Corrie, quite scary again tonight, mad Stephen nearly claimed 2 more victims in Jenny and Sarah.

Right, I’m off.

Flu Jabs tomorrow apparently.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 16 Nov 2023, 17:19

So this morning I was up around 7.15, Dad actually woke me up as I was still fast asleep! Went straight in the Shower, got dressed and came down and had a protein shake, and then later, breakfast after checking the emails, nothing too important there.

Around 8.45 we set off for FlyCheese, arrived just after 9 and went in, sat by the Macbook and had a coffee, after buying a chocolate Bar from the tuck shop.

The lesson was taken by a guy called Zack, due to Wallace being on Holiday again, she’s back next week apparently.

Good session, this Zack seems like a nice guy.

On the way this morning though, Andy Frost rang on the mobile, I asked him to ring me back after 12 as Dad doesn’t like me being on the phone when he’s driving, in the end I rang him back at break, he says to try and find a non-Martial Arts related activity during the day as he’s aware of my concerns re the logistics of going to Taekwondo via Taxis, particularly on a Sunday! I’m like, are you avin’ a laugh?! He even suggested fitness training and/or a personal trainer, pardon?! I’ve tried both options before, and neither of ’em worked.

More to the point, even if I could go to a more local MA club, such as on the Deer Park in Stannington, there’s still the same problem, the logistics of getting there at night.

Plus I’d probably have to start right back at white belt, and at 47 and half I’m too old for that.

I’ve made enquiries to that effect though, and someone from a Krav Maga club in Handsworth’s left a message on my phone, also Castle Academy on Abbeydale Road, both places are a pain to get to though, particularly Handsworth on a Tuesday night, 19.00 to 21.00, it’s gonna be bad enough getting Taxis to Forge Valley and that’s 20.00 to 21.00 and then we’ve got to get there and back.

I’ve just been watching Krav Maga footage on YouTube, and it looks like something I’d be good at due to my previous experience, I just need to do further Googling to find a club this end of Town.

In other news, I applied for 2 new jobs last night, like I said in last night’s edition though, it’s unlikely I’ll get interviews for either as I was forced to declare my disability issues.

I wouldn’t mind but discrimination is allegedly ILLEGAL under the Equality Act, but it still happens.

Especially with age being the ONE characteristic that currently ISN’T protected under the Act, I can’t help being late 40s, I just don’t look it.

Anyway, when we got back, via picking Mum up from Tesco, we had lunch, and I’ve been binge watching all my soaps, such as last night’s Corrie, and all this week’s Neighbours episodes, still got to watch today’s The Bill, that’s next on my list.

Right, I’m off.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Ojisama » 16 Nov 2023, 21:09

There are clubs that offer daytime classes.

If they is still going, try Shodokan Aikido, or Sheffield Dragons.

Pilsung Taekwondo train at Hillsborough Leisure centre on Saturday afternoons (or they used to)
To those just starting on the journey of life I say...
Bang your own drum. Walk your own path. Live wildly. Love fiercely. 
As you near the end, look back with no regrets.

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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 17 Nov 2023, 07:17

Ojisama wrote:
16 Nov 2023, 21:09
There are clubs that offer daytime classes.

If they is still going, try Shodokan Aikido, or Sheffield Dragons.

Pilsung Taekwondo train at Hillsborough Leisure centre on Saturday afternoons (or they used to)

HLC would be an option, as I used to train there in the Karate years, but rumour has it they're knocking it down at some point?
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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The world of well, me basically!

Post by Rich-Allen1976 » 05 Mar 2024, 18:27

So I've just had to have the Fire service in, because of a support worker who is a complete idiot and has the attention span of a flippin' Cabbage! Fortunately the Flat isn't on fire, but there is still a strong burning smell coming from the Kitchen, I've opened the Lounge windows.

I just can't do this any more! There's been other problems with this particular guy, but this is the Camel that broke my Straw back, and stuff will be said when the social worker rings tomorrow morning.

I just know he won't do anything.
"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" (Michael Palin in Monty Python's "Life of Brian")
"I am speaking UK English in a Sheffield accent!" (Me most of the time I'm on the landline or mobile)


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